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Sunday, March 31, 2013



I've listened to the tape of the March 19th WPA board meeting.  I'm not going to transcribe every word of each report.  I'm reporting what I heard to the best of my ability.  Please listen to the tape yourself.

Vice President, Garrison gives the report.  He starts off by saying that the board discussed the fact at the Feb. meeting that they are having difficulty securing bids for projects in Wedgefield.  Some just won't bid, or work in Wedgefield.  He says he's not going to spend time going into detail as to why that might be the case.  He notes that DeMarchi is having problems in the drainage area. He would like members to offer a solution to this problem.  He doesn't mean just saying, "don't do this".  He means offering real solutions. He will publish suggestions on the website and in the Wragg.  Then he says that if there are no suggestions forth coming he wants you to know the board has considered having work done by (drainage) a firm owned by the president of the association. He goes on to say that this needs to be mentioned now to avoid any possible accusations of impropriety, ethics, etc.  If they don't find someone to bid and the pricing (our presidents) is reasonable, there should be no question of the board's action.  "This is not the preferred course of action."  This completes the first part of Garrison's report.

Just when I thought we hit the bottom of the barrel, I discover that it is not a barrel, but a pipeline to poor administration, lack of ethics, lack of responsibility, and the worst management I've ever seen.  So members, if YOU (Where's my Uncle Sam poster when I need it?) don't step up and do the board's job, they are going to hold you responsible because "this is not the preferred course of action", but what could the board do??????  I had to think for more than a minute.  I listened again.  He's basically saying the board knows it is not the best action. Yet, he asked you to do the board's job, and if YOU don't, that's the course that your board is KNOWINGLY going to take.  There was also a not so quiet message, that if YOU didn't do their work, you better SHUT UP and put up with it.  I do so hope he wasn't speaking about The Wedgefield Examiner!  Board, that just won't happen.

Questions began to fly through my mind.  Don't we hold elections every year and elect members to govern and fulfill these duties?  Did I miss anything in the governing documents that says the board gets to pass the buck to me and you, if they don't want to resign and THEY DON'T WANT TO DO THE WORK IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE ASSOCIATION?  Next question - how stupid do they think the membership is?

Members, every time any board has had a favored vendor in mind, they cried that they couldn't get bids.  The 2009 board proved over and over again that that just wasn't so.  You do have to have reputable board members holding conversation and bidding conferences with potential bidders.  You do have to have board members making a case for Wedgefield, and effectively seeking bidders.  Remember the previous grounds contractor who earned over $700,000.00 doing landscaping, drainage, and even building an unusable landing ramp?  That board claimed they couldn't get bids either.  Remember a previous road chair who claimed he couldn't get bidders and McBride got several, but many on this current board ignored him, and the state fined the vendor for doing work he shouldn't have been doing?  I've been in the files when some of these very same board members allowed other's on the board to have vendors submit more than one invoice a day on the same job to avoid proper approval.  I've seen a contract written by a current board member, who was the treasurer at the time, with no total dollar amount on the contract, because they were giving the contractor an outrageous advance, after he hadn't shown up for WEEKS and owed us money!  HERE WE GO AGAIN, BUT THEY ARE PUTTING IT ON THE TABLE IN ADVANCE!

I have a few suggestions.  First, I encourage the board to ask themselves how they would ever answer to this in a court of law?  Not far fetched.  We've had lawsuit on lawsuit, in the recent past.  Would an insurance company even cover them if they were sued?

*Remember the membership is smarter than you think.
*Get a proper reserve study done and use it for planning
*Your poor planning is not my emergency
*Plan projects that encompass several small projects, under one contract so it is worth the potential vendors time to bid.
*Write concrete RFP's
*Consider the suggestions of qualified bidders.  This board has a habit of saying that "they have the expertise".  Really???
*Write legitimate contracts
*Own up to your responsibilities or resign from the board.
*Keep yourself out of legal trouble by avoiding telling the membership that they wouldn't do your job so you'll have to travel down the wrong path and hire the PRESIDENT of the association, to receive payment for contract services.


Do you know about the reality show called Myrtle something?  I haven't watched it but I've seen the commercials.  It has upset some in Myrtle Beach.  They feel the trailer park, red neck setting offends the dignity and beauty of their fine city.  Personally, after the sign (see article bellow) and the information I received today, I wouldn't be surprised if we get offers to film here next.

I attended Easter brunch with a large group of friends.  I was told that one of our board members has put up an electric wire fence to keep deer and golfers off his property.  This is not an underground fence, like the buried dog fences. 

I've fought the deer in my yard for almost 10 years.  I've brought human hair clippings, shaved soap, moth balls, and every spray known to man to get rid of the deer.  Will I get an electric fence?  I could if I wanted to, except it would really come down to "monkey see, monkey do".  I'm hoping we are all above that.  I'm hoping that we've all had enough of this trailer park activity, promoted, and excused, by our board.  I'm not surprised ARC hasn't been involved because they are ignoring all the other violations in this place.



I was leaving Wedgefield last Thursday and could not believe what I saw by the gate house.  Stationed in the raised flower bed in the middle of the triangle, was a sign stating that assessments were over due and to please pay ASAP!  I couldn't believe it.  I turned around and came back through and sure enough that's what it said.  We've witnessed a lot of ridiculousness over the last few years, but this has to go near the top of the list of poor judgment by our board.  Where were their heads?  Who EXACTLY on the board made this decision?  It was a party of three, but you find out for yourself.

There is an old saying, "you don't air your dirty linen". First the sign is not directed at most of us.  Many of us pay our assessments by the published DUE DATE.  In general we are proud of where we live.  Many of our residents had family and friends who came for extended, or short stays, for the holiday.  That sign and the message make us look like a trailer park, with trailer park issues.  It is demeaning to most of us, AND TO OUR COMMUNITY!  I hope you don't have property for sale.  This sign confirms for interested buyers and their agents, that there continue to be real problems here, we are uncouth, and delinquent regarding our finances!

How dare a board that directs the sending of assessments with a due date of January 31, 2013 because our governing documents call for assessments to be paid in 30 days, who then changes the policy manual so no late fees will be charged until after March 1st, do this?  They sent a message that it wasn't important to pay in a timely manner.  Now they have chosen to harass and embarrass all of us because they have been gutless and stupid!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


The Wedgefield Examiner has to take a break.  We will begin to cover the March WPA Board Meeting when we start up on April first. In the mean time if you didn't attend the meeting, consider doing some homework by listing to the tape of the meeting at The Wedgefield Times. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I've presented three items below from the WPA website:  (1) notice that President Walton was calling an Executive meeting on March 13th, (2) the board's presentation of the fact that there is a "Termination Letter from William Douglas Management", (3) the agenda for the March 19th Board meeting.

We should all be concerned that once again this so called "cohesive board" has been called to an executive meeting, by our president, who promised open board meetings on every level, and who once was  victimized by some who sit at this very board table, who wanted to do their dirty work behind closed doors.  Some who sit on this board proclaimed clearly that they would protect open meetings, except in the case of personnel.  During the February board meeting they mentioned they would have to hold a closed "personnel" meeting to cover items such as the ethics of contracting with our president to do drainage work, to discuss how finances and accounting would be dealt  with after the resignation of the management company, and finally how they could change policy to avoid bidding for contract work.  They must have looked up personnel and found the issues they wanted to deal with weren't personnel.  Now, the next LAME label is "Legal & Finance".  This board should quit stating how cohesive they are, how well they work together, and just call themselves the "don't ask, cause we don't need to answer or inform, we'll do what we want when we want, and you probably are too dumb to notice our slight of hand" board.  Residents, this is all going to come back to bite you when you least expect it because you haven't been paying attention or attending meetings.

We deserve to see them at work as they decide whether our president will receive contracts.  Whether the entity is a business or non profit, this is just unethical.  We deserve to see how our finances will be managed.  We've experienced years of poor contract solicitation and management and should be concerned about any board member who wants to move past a real bidding process.

As far as the posting regarding a termination letter from the management company, your board announced that the management company had given a months notice at the February board meeting.  When a resident dropped in the office (not me) and asked to see the letter shortly after the February meeting, they were told there wasn't a letter.  I'm sure the contract called for a written 30 day notice of termination.  Why didn't they present the letter to the resident who inquired?

Now, take time to review the agenda.  More than a few items jump out.  "Landscape maintenance contract changes", should cause note for concern.  Is your board going to add something about the ridiculous low price they charge for  lot mowing?  Is your board going to drag the spoil site maintenance into the contract?  I'd want to know.  The ground's contractor is a good one.  There was a clause in their contract that allowed changes to scope of work.  If your board wants to drag spoil site maintenance into the contract that is a problem.  First, it is marine work and belongs under the control of the Water Amenities Committee.  The fact that grounds probably has it, is due to the "old boys', I'll wash your back, you wash mine, network this group has developed.  The say they are cohesive, but they are extremely territorial with information, and work to leave one or two board members out.  There is no reason that a second contract couldn't be developed with the grounds contractor, overseen by Water Amenities.  That would be too reasonable, too professional.  Finally, if they move forward as mentioned at the February meeting, volunteers are going to be transporting contractor staff and equipment to the spoil site.  Do you want that liability?

I can't wait to listen to the finessing of the decisions made regarding accounting of our funds, under the Treasurer and Finance reports.  Why couldn't these discussions take place in our presence, when decisions were really being made?

Finally, I wonder if the agenda item, " canal maintenance proposal", will bring you to the meeting.  Maybe some of you, others perhaps not, if you receive insider information from some on this board, and don't need to attend.  Either way, I'd get to the meeting.  The secrecy of this board instills a real lack of trust.


"Per Jacky Walton, an Executive meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 13, 2013 @ 7:00 pm @ Office. This will be a closed meeting to discuss Legal & Finance."


March 19, 2013

Call to Order – President

Attendance - President

Quorum- Secretary

Approve December Minutes – All Board Members

Officer Reports

President – Jacky Walton

Vice President – Bob Garrison

Secretary –Janine Cline

Treasurer – Al DeMarchi

Committee Reports

ARC – Jacky Walton

Legal – Bob Garrison

Finance – Al DeMarchi

Communications- Janine Cline

Community Liaison- Jason Barrier

Welcome Committee- John McBride

Drainage – Al DeMarchi

Water Amenities- John Walton

Condo Liaison- Jacky Walton

Roads- Adam Anderson

Grounds – Larry McMillin

Compliance- Al DeMarchi

Old Business –

New Business –

Canal Maintenance Proposal

Landscape Maintenance Contract changes

Comment Section- Resident Comments

Only 1 comment or question per resident will be permitted unless time allows for more.

Adjourn – Jacky Walton

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I sometimes wonder what motivates people.  Is it a cause, a strong belief in what should or shouldn't be done, in the world around them? That I somewhat understand.  I'm a political person on many levels.  I know what I believe about my federal, state, county, city/town, or my Wedgefield governance.  Most of us form our views with facts pertinent to the issues, go about supporting, or changing circumstance, legally and ethically.  That's political.

Wedgefield has had the kind of politics where some on opposing sides of an issue, don't look to  governing documents, and good governance, but want what they want and go after individuals, rather than the issues, with an EVIL VENGEANCE.

That's where we are today.  We have a Wedgefield resident who has been dealing with a  private life changing circumstance, who has been targeted for years, because of their political views, work, and actions. The individual has kept the private circumstance to themselves and worked to move forward, with dignity and purpose.  Yet, we have Wedgefield residents who are carrying on to harm this resident, attempting to use this private matter, to further their side's political gain.  It isn't in the cards.

Where is human dignity and kindness?  It doesn't reside with many of our residents.  Some board members and their spouses have been frantically calling friends of friends, trying to gather information on my resident friend's situation.  Not to help, but to be the first to get the word out.  Most of the rumors they have cast about in an effort to harm, may have some small element of truth, but for the most part, are inaccurate.  Why would they care about a personal matter?

Can you imagine people who aren't close, who have harmed the individual at times, calling for information to feed their malicious group?  Well, they have.  I'm told when they couldn't get the information they needed, they added their own, and made our resident the topic of conversation at a dinner at the Plantation House about a week ago.  They were so full of themselves and driven to be harmful to one of our own, that they broadcast an email with their half truths, to the group with their political persuasion.  Who has time, or thought for such malicious actions?  Many of those who lied, told half truths, about the grand Wedgefield polictical drama - the dredging.

One of our board member's wives has been running around telling people that our Wedgefield person is going to "get their due".  I wonder.  Recently, when another current board member went through a very similar life altering circumstance, even though their politics were not that of my Wedgefield friend, he/she said, "all politics aside, I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone".   Have many of you lost your humanness?  Have you lost your ability to set aside your misguided politics, or are you one of those miserable people, who thrive on the hurt of others?  This is nothing more than EVIL, MISDIRECTED VENGEANCE, and unfortunately we're being governed by some of these people, who are working in be half of a misguided group that lacks any humanness, morals, or values (as demonstrated previously)!

PLEASE NOTE:  I write what I write, because that is what I see, and I feel.  I have not been asked to write this article, nor have I sought the approval of anyone involved. I'm just disgusted!

Friday, March 1, 2013


Stay tuned.  Some on the board just want to hire our president to do work.  Another doesn't want to secure bids.  Another changed the rules in the policy manual saying little had changed when it was updated.  Yet, another says we'll have to change policy to do what we want to do.  I'll transcribe the tape and that takes time.  I hope I can work faster than it takes the board to put much of this behind closed doors in a fake "personnel meeting".  We have one paid clerical and she doesn't dig ditches, clear the spoil site, or do our accounting.  Why the board has lumped all this in "personnel" is beyond comprehension, unless they just want to do what they want to do, they don't trust it will play well in a public meeting, so they've locked us out under false pretense.