NOTE: I will relate what occurred to the best of my ability. As always, I highly suggest that you go to the tape of the meeting at the WPA website, or The Wedgefield Times, to verify information for yourself. COMMENTS, are provided at the end of the article, and noted as such.
Again, somewhere between old business, and new business, Treasurer/Drainage Chair, DeMarchi, brings up speed bumps for the front entrance. He adds at another point that Roads Chair, Anderson, was suppose to get a quote for the speed bumps, with his road repair. Anderson says it was cost prohibitive. Garrison asks the equivalent of, "why are we discussing this, the board voted last month"?
At the end of the meeting, during the resident comment section, the same resident who called someone an idiot regarding the gatehouse, stands and adds his two cents. He says it is dangerous coming out at the junction of Wraggs Ferry and Wedgefield, and that the gatehouse should be knocked down, and a tree removed. He also says the board hasn't really decided on the speed bumps. The vote was 4 - 4.
Why the headline mentioning two board members? DeMarchi and McMillin, who seem to entangle themselves in a number of projects, each vying to be in charge, have been on this speed bump agenda, off and on, for about two years. DeMarchi brought it up first, and it died. Many months went by, and then McMillin brought it up about three months ago. Now, we've had it dropped on the board table about three months in a row, and even a vote by the board, and a motion not carried, still doesn't do it.
The facts remain the same, and it could appear, that they want what they want, even if the board, and residents don't. Garrison, Vice President/ Legal/Compliance Chair, has reminded them each time that there haven't been any complaints - no substantiation of need, or concern. Previously, he has gone on to say that there are speeders, but the bulk of the residents (with no complaints), should not be penalized for a few. Yet, each time these two bring the speed bumps to the table, they make claims that plenty of people are upset, and calling them, to do something. Note, that each time that they have made these claims, I have visited the office and reviewed the correspondence file, and NO ONE COMPLAINED. Sometimes, they both say that they have been called. I asked in writing to the board, whether every resident could call board members at home, and what was the manner residents were to use to contact the board. I received an answer in writing, that said, residents, could WRITE the board via email, postal service, or stop in the office, and leave the WRITTEN communication. So it appears, that both of these guys either have FAVORED RESIDENT communication, or are making up their own stats. Either option, is pretty shoddy, and could be called corrupt governance.
Our president, and the entire board, contribute to their delinquent behavior. Why? First, except for one time to my knowledge, speed bumps, have never appeared on this board's generic meeting agenda. For the most part, if you pull the date off the top of the agenda, you could just print it, month, after month. It appears to be more of this board's don't tell, don't report, and for sure, don't print it. Why is the agenda so important? First, the individual board members should be able to review it, do the necessary review of materials associated with an agenda subject, and be prepared to question, consider, and then independently vote, AT THE BOARD TABLE. Residents, should have proper notification of what is going to be discussed, so they can make a decision, whether to attend a meeting, and if necessary, WRITE the board, of any concerns that they have on the subject, PRIOR to the meeting. Major decisions are being made. Expensive decisions. In July, $150,000 was approved for road repair. Since the agenda has been sterile for so long, it looked the same as every other month. I'd dare to say, that if you read the agenda month after month, and it continued to say, Water Amenities, and the board voted to dredge the canals, you would have wanted to be at that meeting.
The way the agenda is set up, DeMarchi can just toss speed bumps on the table, even though the board had voted, and the motion hadn't passed, one month ago.
This shoddy manner of administration, has left DeMarchi and McMillin, with the ability to shop projects, poorly laid out, if at all, and leave us hanging, with half baked messes (even when completed), like the pond project, the gatehouse, the Wedgefield Drainage Project, the grounds contracting, and now speed bumps.
Who do they get support from amongst the residents? Well in the case of the speed bumps, the man who spoke at the end of the July meeting & others, but must be a favored resident, because he NEVER wrote the board. In the past, as he spoke, he made claims of hiding where he couldn't be noticed, and observing the speeders. Stats, as vague, and unsubstantiated, as DeMarchi, and McMillin's. This month he disputed the June board vote, because it was 4-4, and wants the gatehouse torn down, and called someone an idiot (Again, I hope it wasn't the board attorney.) It could be he believes callings people idiots from the board room floor, is OK, because board member DeMarchi, set the stage, when he basically called the Wedgefield residents idiots, and said, he "was sick of legislating for idiots.
We, residents, are idiots, if we continue to let these two, hit and run, at will, with their battle for projects, that end up half done, and a half baked mess. Even worse, if we don't call the rest of the board on their administrative antics, and hidden agendas.
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Thursday, July 30, 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
NOTE: I will relate what occurred to the best of my ability. As always, I highly suggest that you go to the tape of the meeting at the WPA website, or The Wedgefield Times, to verify information for yourself. COMMENTS, are provided at the end of the article, and noted as such.
Just as we thought that the meeting was coming to a close, somewhere between new and old business, Treasurer/Drainage Chair, DeMarchi, said he was tired of hearing about the gatehouse, and wanted something done. Grounds Chair, McMillin said he had been busy, and the guy he had quote on the gutters, didn't follow up. DeMarchi said that he had some contractors that he could contact, would McMillin like him to do that? McMillin said he would like to be present when they came out. Each, at times, blamed the other for nothing being done. There was a bit of a angry/frustrated air - and words, as don't blame me, for a few minutes. Vice President/Legal/Compliance Chair, Garrison, said they had had a contractor at one point, who would have done the job for $5,000, and he didn't know why they hadn't moved forward with that. At the end of the meeting, during resident comments, a resident said that they had had the best contractor for the job, but some idiot, had stopped that from happening.
You'll have to go back over the meeting tapes, or previous articles on the blog, but briefly the chiefs of the hold up for over two years, have been DeMarchi and McMillin. Garrison, as Legal Chair, and President Walton, are almost neck, and neck, with them. Every other member of this board comes in, in unison, as a close third, in mass.
Briefly, two years ago, DeMarchi, took charge, and issued a 3 stage bid request (The work was outlined in one package, with 3 areas.), and sent it off to contractors, including our President's company. Surprise, surprise, the president's company bid came in the lowest, and your board, minus one (now off the board), who questioned conflict of interest, and your board awarded him the contract for stage one. The conflict of interest questioning was called moronic, by our legal chair.
Our president ordered custom windows for the gate house, and they have sat in storage since. I asked to see the bid package, bid responses, and the contract. It should be noted that the contract I was handed, was the president's bid, which included all three stages. There was no date of contract, award amount, terms of payment, or a place for both parties to sign. I also wrote the board, included a conflict of interest document that every board member had signed, and asked each and every board member, how they could have voted to give the president's company a contract, after they had signed the document. I had one more question for the president. How could he have accepted the request to bid, and sent a bid, after signing the document. No one answered those questions. Several months later, the board's attorney, reviewed the conflict of interest document, and it was a conflict of interest. The president's company, gave back the contract, and the board paid his company for the custom windows, that continue to sit.
About a year later, another request for proposal was written, bids arrived. One was our treasurer's old boss, and the other a contractor, who wrote a very detailed bid said, "Removal of dry wall and floor coverings. (This will be done by a mold remediation company due to the severity of MOLDS that are growing ". There was laughter at the board table, regarding the bids. McMillin said volunteers could do the work. McMillin and Garrison removed the moldy debris, which were seen piled in an open trailer, outside the gatehouse. The board has not answered written questions, regarding the windows, remediation of the molds, or where they disposed of the moldy debris. There were no reports provided at meetings, after the removal of the moldy debris, or any updates at all. This is a surprise, as McMillin usually goes to great lengths to report on his volunteers at work. Yet, they have all gone silent at the board table about this project. I reviewed the correspondence file it June, and the only letter, with any mention of the gatehouse, was mine. What can DeMarchi be tired of hearing about?
Who can even guess which contractor Garrison was mentioning. It couldn't be President Walton, because he bid under conflict of interest. Who was the resident calling an idiot? Maybe that resident feels the board attorney is an idiot for his legal opinion, regarding President Walton's contract. Maybe that resident enjoys living under the administration of a board, whose members give so little credibility to signing a legal document, they intend to ignore.
Like DeMarchi, I'm tired, but I'm tired of a lot of things. This boards failure to use proper bid procurement, honor the documents they sign, failure to report at the board table. failure to vote according to our governing documents, their constant manipulation of the policy manual to suit their, often unprofessional business goals, and failure, in this case to repair, and maintain, the gatehouse - the front door, of our association.
P.S. I'm also tired of hearing about speed bumps, and DeMarchi tried to bring them the table again this month, after they were voted down last month. Our next article: Will the speed bump drama, between guess what two board members, ever go away?
Just as we thought that the meeting was coming to a close, somewhere between new and old business, Treasurer/Drainage Chair, DeMarchi, said he was tired of hearing about the gatehouse, and wanted something done. Grounds Chair, McMillin said he had been busy, and the guy he had quote on the gutters, didn't follow up. DeMarchi said that he had some contractors that he could contact, would McMillin like him to do that? McMillin said he would like to be present when they came out. Each, at times, blamed the other for nothing being done. There was a bit of a angry/frustrated air - and words, as don't blame me, for a few minutes. Vice President/Legal/Compliance Chair, Garrison, said they had had a contractor at one point, who would have done the job for $5,000, and he didn't know why they hadn't moved forward with that. At the end of the meeting, during resident comments, a resident said that they had had the best contractor for the job, but some idiot, had stopped that from happening.
You'll have to go back over the meeting tapes, or previous articles on the blog, but briefly the chiefs of the hold up for over two years, have been DeMarchi and McMillin. Garrison, as Legal Chair, and President Walton, are almost neck, and neck, with them. Every other member of this board comes in, in unison, as a close third, in mass.
Briefly, two years ago, DeMarchi, took charge, and issued a 3 stage bid request (The work was outlined in one package, with 3 areas.), and sent it off to contractors, including our President's company. Surprise, surprise, the president's company bid came in the lowest, and your board, minus one (now off the board), who questioned conflict of interest, and your board awarded him the contract for stage one. The conflict of interest questioning was called moronic, by our legal chair.
Our president ordered custom windows for the gate house, and they have sat in storage since. I asked to see the bid package, bid responses, and the contract. It should be noted that the contract I was handed, was the president's bid, which included all three stages. There was no date of contract, award amount, terms of payment, or a place for both parties to sign. I also wrote the board, included a conflict of interest document that every board member had signed, and asked each and every board member, how they could have voted to give the president's company a contract, after they had signed the document. I had one more question for the president. How could he have accepted the request to bid, and sent a bid, after signing the document. No one answered those questions. Several months later, the board's attorney, reviewed the conflict of interest document, and it was a conflict of interest. The president's company, gave back the contract, and the board paid his company for the custom windows, that continue to sit.
About a year later, another request for proposal was written, bids arrived. One was our treasurer's old boss, and the other a contractor, who wrote a very detailed bid said, "Removal of dry wall and floor coverings. (This will be done by a mold remediation company due to the severity of MOLDS that are growing ". There was laughter at the board table, regarding the bids. McMillin said volunteers could do the work. McMillin and Garrison removed the moldy debris, which were seen piled in an open trailer, outside the gatehouse. The board has not answered written questions, regarding the windows, remediation of the molds, or where they disposed of the moldy debris. There were no reports provided at meetings, after the removal of the moldy debris, or any updates at all. This is a surprise, as McMillin usually goes to great lengths to report on his volunteers at work. Yet, they have all gone silent at the board table about this project. I reviewed the correspondence file it June, and the only letter, with any mention of the gatehouse, was mine. What can DeMarchi be tired of hearing about?
Who can even guess which contractor Garrison was mentioning. It couldn't be President Walton, because he bid under conflict of interest. Who was the resident calling an idiot? Maybe that resident feels the board attorney is an idiot for his legal opinion, regarding President Walton's contract. Maybe that resident enjoys living under the administration of a board, whose members give so little credibility to signing a legal document, they intend to ignore.
Like DeMarchi, I'm tired, but I'm tired of a lot of things. This boards failure to use proper bid procurement, honor the documents they sign, failure to report at the board table. failure to vote according to our governing documents, their constant manipulation of the policy manual to suit their, often unprofessional business goals, and failure, in this case to repair, and maintain, the gatehouse - the front door, of our association.
P.S. I'm also tired of hearing about speed bumps, and DeMarchi tried to bring them the table again this month, after they were voted down last month. Our next article: Will the speed bump drama, between guess what two board members, ever go away?
Monday, July 27, 2015
Today, a lawn mowing team arrived, after the article was posted (a few hours), and mowed the vacant lot adjacent to my property, FOR THE FIRST TIME, IN ALMOST A YEAR! Did the lot owner have a contract with the WPA? We may never know. You can't even say the board has a don't ask, don't tell policy, because I have asked, and they just won't tell, when it involves one of their own, another board member, who they have allowed to use unusual tactics, against a resident, and failed to bring him to the board table, and get it out in the open, and discipline, according to our governing documents.
The board hired a new landscape contractor this year. The grounds chair, in the middle of a discussion about another contractor and project, said "you could do to them, what I did to Great Lawns" - the former landscape contractor. Another board member, I believe, our president, said, "don't talk about that". I don't have a oar in the water to who the board hires, but why do they, and you, allow them, to say, "don't talk about it", at the board table? One could assume, easily, THAT SOMETHING SMELLED - FISHY, REAL FISHY, OLD DEAD FISHY, and your board appeared aware, and didn't want you to know they operated that way. When did that kind of behavior become OK, from the board table, when they should be operating, as though, they operated in a fish bowl?
The old WPA landscape contractor, is my lawn mowing contractor - Great Lawns, and I have nothing but praise, for how they have helped me, during the almost year, that the unmowed lot adjacent to me, kept seeding weeds, in a l50 foot flower garden that borders it. I've poisoned a foot out from my flower bed, in an attempt to try and keep the weed invasion down. Several times, Great Lawns, has mowed one, or two wide strips on the vacant lot, to help me. THANKS GREAT LAWNS FOR A JOB WELL DONE, at a time, when the grounds chair, was silenced by my board, who did nothing to help, and didn't want me, and other resident's to know, what the grounds chair attempted to brag about, "what he had done to Great Lawns."
The board hired a new landscape contractor this year. The grounds chair, in the middle of a discussion about another contractor and project, said "you could do to them, what I did to Great Lawns" - the former landscape contractor. Another board member, I believe, our president, said, "don't talk about that". I don't have a oar in the water to who the board hires, but why do they, and you, allow them, to say, "don't talk about it", at the board table? One could assume, easily, THAT SOMETHING SMELLED - FISHY, REAL FISHY, OLD DEAD FISHY, and your board appeared aware, and didn't want you to know they operated that way. When did that kind of behavior become OK, from the board table, when they should be operating, as though, they operated in a fish bowl?
The old WPA landscape contractor, is my lawn mowing contractor - Great Lawns, and I have nothing but praise, for how they have helped me, during the almost year, that the unmowed lot adjacent to me, kept seeding weeds, in a l50 foot flower garden that borders it. I've poisoned a foot out from my flower bed, in an attempt to try and keep the weed invasion down. Several times, Great Lawns, has mowed one, or two wide strips on the vacant lot, to help me. THANKS GREAT LAWNS FOR A JOB WELL DONE, at a time, when the grounds chair, was silenced by my board, who did nothing to help, and didn't want me, and other resident's to know, what the grounds chair attempted to brag about, "what he had done to Great Lawns."
What are the standards for maintaining lots in Wedgefield? What if the vacant lot is adjacent to homes? What if the lot owner has contracted with the WPA to have their lot mowed, in order to meet requirements, and the board allows a contract to be developed, that couldn't possibly meet the standard? Is it possible that the board member who has control over the lawn mowing program, would use his authority and program supervision, to get back at a resident, by breaching a lot mowing contract? Maybe someone should start asking questions, or have we learned that the board won't answer, when they are failing in their duty?
Last week, I picked some friends up to exercise, and noticed two vacant lots on John Green, set between homes, that were an over grown mess. After my exercise, I picked up my camera, and went out and took some pictures. Why? I have a vacant, mostly grassy lot, next to my home. In the past, the lot owner, appeared to have contracted with the WPA, to mow the lot, and it was mowed regularly, by the WPA grounds contractor.
The lot next to me, has not been mowed, since the late summer of 2014. Board Member, McMillin, is chair of the grounds committee, which puts him in charge of the lawn mowing contractor, who mows the vacant lots of owners, who contract with the WPA.
Since the board won't answer my resident letters, I asked my questions during the resident comment section of the July 21 board meeting. I asked, and commented:
1. If any of the vacant lots under contract with the WPA had been mowed this year?
2. I said that I didn't believe that the board had to respond as to whether the lot owner next to me, had contracted with the WPA for lot mowing, but I would like someone on the board to check, and see if they had, and if so, determine why the lot had not been mowed in over a year.
3. I stated that both the By-Laws, and Covenants stated that the board has the responsibility of preserving the natural setting and beauty of the Development.
Number 8 of the Covenants states, "In Order to implement effective insect, reptile and woods fire control, the grantor reserves for itself and its agents, heirs, successors and assigns, the right to enter upon any residential lot on which a residence has not been constructed and upon which no landscaping plan has been implemented (with prior written approval of the grantor for such plan), at the expense of the grantee, his heirs, successors; distributes and assigns, such entry to be made by personnel with tractors or other suitable devices, for the purpose of mowing, removing, clearing, cutting or pruning underbrush, weeds or other unsightly growth, which in the opinion of the grantor detracts from the overall beauty, setting and safety of the subdivision."
Last week, I picked some friends up to exercise, and noticed two vacant lots on John Green, set between homes, that were an over grown mess. After my exercise, I picked up my camera, and went out and took some pictures. Why? I have a vacant, mostly grassy lot, next to my home. In the past, the lot owner, appeared to have contracted with the WPA, to mow the lot, and it was mowed regularly, by the WPA grounds contractor.
The lot next to me, has not been mowed, since the late summer of 2014. Board Member, McMillin, is chair of the grounds committee, which puts him in charge of the lawn mowing contractor, who mows the vacant lots of owners, who contract with the WPA.
Since the board won't answer my resident letters, I asked my questions during the resident comment section of the July 21 board meeting. I asked, and commented:
1. If any of the vacant lots under contract with the WPA had been mowed this year?
2. I said that I didn't believe that the board had to respond as to whether the lot owner next to me, had contracted with the WPA for lot mowing, but I would like someone on the board to check, and see if they had, and if so, determine why the lot had not been mowed in over a year.
3. I stated that both the By-Laws, and Covenants stated that the board has the responsibility of preserving the natural setting and beauty of the Development.
McMillin, Grounds Chair, stated that the lawns mentioned on John Green have been mowed twice. He said something about they can't keep mowing them, because the contract with the WPA only provided 4 mowings. I said that was the board's problem, for allowing contracts to be developed, with too few mowings for the season, when the board was responsible for maintaining a standard, for the residents who trusted them. The grounds chair has had problems year, after year, with this particular contract, and yet, it appears that your board approves it, without proper review. Year after year, we live with the messes they allow this board member to make.
In my view, is it possible that the vacant lot next to to me, is in the miserable condition that it is, because the grounds chair has failed intentionally to instruct the grounds crew to mow the lot, for over a year? Yes, based on actions he has previously taken. I have no right to ask whether the lot owner next to me, contracted with the WPA, for 2015. I've been here for 11 years, and this lot owner has always done the right thing. I've done nothing to the grounds chair personally. The blog covers his, and all the board's actions from the board table. I've repeated his words, actions, etc., as with the other board members, and sent you to the minutes, tapes of the meeting, and legitimate documents. If he is upset, possibly, he should act in a manner, that doesn't embarrass him, or his family members, when his own words, votes, etc. are reported.
The problem, for our community is bigger than the issues of the lot next to me. Whether, or not, a lot owner has contracted with the board for mowing services, is some what of a moot point. Your board has a responsibility to monitor, and see that these lots are maintained to a standard that benefits the property owners in Wedgefield. Here is what I observed, and then photographed, as I drove on John Green today. Both of these lots, are adjacent to homes.
At best, the grass is knee high, in these lots. In some areas, on one of them, the weeds, are almost to my shoulder.
Article I - Purpose, Section I, of the ByLaws, states. "These are the By-Laws of the Wedgefield Plantation Association, hereinafter referred to as The Association, a non-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of South Carolina, which has been organized for the purpose of preserving the natural setting and beauty of the Development, of establishing and preserving a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing design for the Development, and of conducting the affairs of the Plantation for the benefit of the property owners in a manner which will maintain the high standards of the Wedgefield Plantation Subdivision within Georgetown County, South Carolina. This includes enforcing the Covenants of the subdivision and these By-Laws, "
Number 8 of the Covenants states, "In Order to implement effective insect, reptile and woods fire control, the grantor reserves for itself and its agents, heirs, successors and assigns, the right to enter upon any residential lot on which a residence has not been constructed and upon which no landscaping plan has been implemented (with prior written approval of the grantor for such plan), at the expense of the grantee, his heirs, successors; distributes and assigns, such entry to be made by personnel with tractors or other suitable devices, for the purpose of mowing, removing, clearing, cutting or pruning underbrush, weeds or other unsightly growth, which in the opinion of the grantor detracts from the overall beauty, setting and safety of the subdivision."
Since the July 21 meeting, has any officer, Pres., Vice Pres., Sec., or Treasurer, reviewed the contracts, payments to the grounds contractor, and verified that ALL lots are being maintained? The board became aware in 2014, that the grounds chair, had failed to fulfill the prepaid services of some of the contracts, and attempted at the board table, to declare a profit on the lot mowing program?
Trying to maintain your property, with a similar situation next door? Trying to sell your home, when potential buyers observe these conditions as they drive to your address? There are homes totaling over $3,000,000 in listings, whose potential buyers, have to drive by this mess on my street. Perhaps, you should write the board. If you are one of their special residents, you may get an answer. If you aren't, Christmas is coming, and your board may allow, cover, and condone, the grounds chair, putting your address on a extremely large obscene sign, and hanging it on his house.
If the board doesn't answer your questions, fails to blatantly, to "preserve the natural setting and beauty of the Development, of establishing and preserving a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing design for the Development", as it relates to issues to lot and property maintenance around you, should you pay your assessment? At some point, that may be a decision some here in Wedgefield have to make.
If the board doesn't answer your questions, fails to blatantly, to "preserve the natural setting and beauty of the Development, of establishing and preserving a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing design for the Development", as it relates to issues to lot and property maintenance around you, should you pay your assessment? At some point, that may be a decision some here in Wedgefield have to make.
Friday, July 24, 2015
We really should start at the beginning. What and when, did I ask the board, and what made me believe that DeMarchi would answer?
Here is what I asked them on June 18, 2015 in question 3, in my letter:
"During the May WPA Board Meeting, a board member mentioned that the bookkeeper/ accountant had left, and wanted to know if she would be replaced. When did this contractor, or employee leave? What was the date? What was the reason that this person left? Treasurer DeMarchi, did not report on the date this individual left, plans to replace her, candidates, or anticipated expense to the accounting function. Please provide that information. "
What made me think that I would get an answer:
The Board Community Liaison, Anderson, responded in writing, in regard to question # 3 said, "I will refer this question to Al DeMarchi, the board treasurer." It has been more than 30 days since I wrote, and still no answer from Treasurer, DeMarchi.
Now, for what happened during the meeting. PLEASE NOTE: I will relate what occurred to the best of my ability. As always, I highly suggest that you go to the tape of the meeting at the WPA website, or The Wedgefield Times, to verify information for yourself. COMMENTS, are provided at the end of the article, and noted as such.
Here is where some of the answers, inadvertently, start coming. Treasurer, Demarchi, reports that the bookkeeper has left, and he is trying to find another. DeMarchi says the former bookkeeper (?????) left because she was upset that she couldn't use a 5 year old program, and the WPA had gotten a new one. He lists some of the things that the new person would need to do. He has a quote in a envelope for $600/mo., but wants to table it because the CPA (believe that we use for the audit) is in Europe, and he'd like to wait for a schedule of his fees. Garrison jumps in and asks him what he is waiting for? He states that this guy bid once, then renigged on the bid. Garrison said that we have been without the bookkeeper (position to be filled?????), for "MONTHS AND MONTHS". At another point Garrison says, "I don't want to wait. It has been long enough, fooling around with this." Still later, Garrison speaks about integrity, protection to board and Kathy, in having these services performed. Cline says we need to do the right thing. Later, Garrison suggests that DeMarchi call the board to a meeting BEFORE the next meeting, to get this done.
During the July meeting, DeMarchi announces that he is changing/simplifying, the financial reports, that are handed out each month. (Why, less reported, less chance of error? A dumbing down of reporting to suit the needs of a flawed process?)
Before we leave the board meeting, and go into comments, it should be noted that during McMillin's request for funds for the weed eating carp, that he states the money is to come out of fund # 10--. When discussion begins, DeMarchi gives another account number, and asks Kathy (paid staff, and other member of the DeMarchi, two person, accounting function) if that isn't correct. She agrees with the number McMillin has presented, and DeMarchi says that he gave her a note on that. They'll talk about it later.
Before I really get into this, I should note that I went to The Wedgefield Times, to check their coverage of this meeting. I found the following in the meeting report there.
Here is what I asked them on June 18, 2015 in question 3, in my letter:
"During the May WPA Board Meeting, a board member mentioned that the bookkeeper/ accountant had left, and wanted to know if she would be replaced. When did this contractor, or employee leave? What was the date? What was the reason that this person left? Treasurer DeMarchi, did not report on the date this individual left, plans to replace her, candidates, or anticipated expense to the accounting function. Please provide that information. "
What made me think that I would get an answer:
The Board Community Liaison, Anderson, responded in writing, in regard to question # 3 said, "I will refer this question to Al DeMarchi, the board treasurer." It has been more than 30 days since I wrote, and still no answer from Treasurer, DeMarchi.
Now, for what happened during the meeting. PLEASE NOTE: I will relate what occurred to the best of my ability. As always, I highly suggest that you go to the tape of the meeting at the WPA website, or The Wedgefield Times, to verify information for yourself. COMMENTS, are provided at the end of the article, and noted as such.
Here is where some of the answers, inadvertently, start coming. Treasurer, Demarchi, reports that the bookkeeper has left, and he is trying to find another. DeMarchi says the former bookkeeper (?????) left because she was upset that she couldn't use a 5 year old program, and the WPA had gotten a new one. He lists some of the things that the new person would need to do. He has a quote in a envelope for $600/mo., but wants to table it because the CPA (believe that we use for the audit) is in Europe, and he'd like to wait for a schedule of his fees. Garrison jumps in and asks him what he is waiting for? He states that this guy bid once, then renigged on the bid. Garrison said that we have been without the bookkeeper (position to be filled?????), for "MONTHS AND MONTHS". At another point Garrison says, "I don't want to wait. It has been long enough, fooling around with this." Still later, Garrison speaks about integrity, protection to board and Kathy, in having these services performed. Cline says we need to do the right thing. Later, Garrison suggests that DeMarchi call the board to a meeting BEFORE the next meeting, to get this done.
During the July meeting, DeMarchi announces that he is changing/simplifying, the financial reports, that are handed out each month. (Why, less reported, less chance of error? A dumbing down of reporting to suit the needs of a flawed process?)
Before we leave the board meeting, and go into comments, it should be noted that during McMillin's request for funds for the weed eating carp, that he states the money is to come out of fund # 10--. When discussion begins, DeMarchi gives another account number, and asks Kathy (paid staff, and other member of the DeMarchi, two person, accounting function) if that isn't correct. She agrees with the number McMillin has presented, and DeMarchi says that he gave her a note on that. They'll talk about it later.
Before I really get into this, I should note that I went to The Wedgefield Times, to check their coverage of this meeting. I found the following in the meeting report there.
Meeting Highlights
NOTE that the WPA Board in general, and probably Mr. DeMarchi in particular, has removed the "monthly" portion of the financial data package handed out at this monthly WPA Board meeting. The reader of this web site has no information that this part of the financial data package, along with the monthly YTD part of the package, have been used to show errors in the WPA published data every month since January 2015, via my recent, lengthly and confidential email to the WPA Board. During a home visit by Mr. DeMarchi, your Treasurer, committed to the following actions regarding the correcting the errors: (1) finding the cause of the errors, (2) fixing them, (3) and revising the appropriate WPA web site financial files with names showing the corrected versions.
I presume that by withholding the "monthly" WPA data, Board does not plan to honor the above commitment! But maybe the Board has little need for "error-free" financial statements.
I believe the financial data errors are a consequence of a "no prior review" policy before the publication of such data!
I have already gone to the office and reviewed the correspondence file from Jan. - June 2015. For almost every one of those months, a resident was questioning the figures in the financial reports, with errors admitted at times by DeMarchi.
I'm not requesting a home visit by DeMarchi, as provided to The Wedgefield Times Editor. I do deserve to have my questions answered in writing. I pay my assessments, this is where I live, and we deserve better governance and fiscal management than this. This isn't weeds in the pond and how to get them out, and your board's experimenting! This is our money!
Every board member has failed miserably in their responsibilities. Why? They have gotten far to comfortable in dumbing down information (now proposed in financial reports), and lack of reporting exactly what is going on, when, where, and why, from the board table. The "integrity", a word I'll use right along with Garrison, has been gone for months, and you can't tell me that board members didn't know. So they sat there month after month, basically lying to us by omission. They love cohesive, but they are individually elected to represent us, vote, ask, and get the business of the association out on the board table, and in the open!
PLEASE NOTE: I will relate what occurred to the best of my ability. As always, I highly suggest that you go to the tape of the meeting at the WPA website, or The Wedgefield Times, to verify information for yourself. COMMENTS, are provided at the end of the article, and noted as such.
The title of this article is intended to be humorous, and is not an intended jab, at the presenter. You would've had to have attended the meeting, to know that there was humor throughout this presentation. At times, it provided a light hearted look at our board in action. The report can be found on the tapes, under the Grounds Report, provided by chair, McMillin.
He reports that there are some issues with the pond (located on the right side of the road, just prior to entering the Wedgefield gate). McMillin states that there are problems with the fountain, and he will take care of them, himself. (Earlier, on the day of the meeting when I went to take pictures, it was not working, and hadn't been for some time.) He states that we have rapidly growing vegetation in the pond, and he would like to purchase 4 grass eating carp at a cost of $120.00. A motion is made, and discussion begins. McMillin also says that he will have to construct a grate type cover for one of the pipes leading out of the pond, to keep the fish contained. DeMarchi says that he had experts from Clemson out at one point, and they advised 12-15 of the fish. We're advised that the fish are sterile, and won't reproduce. Someone asks if any anyone fishes in that pond. Another says the fish can't be caught. DeMarchi says that he has seen people catch carp with bread balls. (He's right. I've caught them in my own backyard.) Ebert, has been adding light humor to the subject, saying something about if they aren't smart enough to reproduce, they probably can be caught. Approval of the grass eating carp does not mean they will be here immediately, because there are certain times, in the year cycle, that are better than others to add them.
The discussion was light, and it was good to see your board's light hearted handling of the problem.
A larger problem exists with the pond project, and several others. While, as noted above, the board worked well at this stage, and this meeting, the pond has been a territorial dispute between DeMarchi and McMillin, and battle of self proclaimed experts, for too long. Briefly, both at times, have brought proposals forward - that went no where for long periods of time, for the bulk head, weed control, etc. DeMarchi, with board approval hired a company at a monthly rate to control the weeds. Later, he canceled the service. McMillin, brought volunteers in and cleared weeds, debris, and added the fountain. It should be noted that at last months meeting, McMillin requested $134.00 to purchase a product to kill the weeds. In fact, he had to order more than he felt he needed, but hoped to sell part of it to the condo association, for their ponds. What happened to that? No one asked. DeMarchi, controlled the bulk head project, but needed money from the Grounds' budget for grass, etc. McMillin said that was ok, at least he was being asked this time, rather than the money just being appropriated. Now, we have a pond with weeds, a fountain in the weed pond, with a spot light to highlight it, and a bulkhead.
Below, I've provided a information sheet on the grass eating carp. Will this fix it.? Maybe, but it could take quite some time, and we have quite the mess.
Using Triploid Grass Carp for
The triploid "grass carp" which is a sterile version of the white amur, has been used in South Carolina's private and public waters for the control of noxious aquatic plant species since 1984. Triploid grass carp are incapable of reproducing viable offspring.
Grass carp are selective feeders, preferring soft tissue aquatic plant species. Where more than one noxious plant species is present, the carp will feed almost exclusively on the more preferred plant species before targeting the other available aquatic plant species.
The following is a list of aquatic plant species commonly found in South Carolina's waters that grass carp will feed on:
Ponds which are seriously impacted by noxious aquatic plant species (high plant biomass), should be managed to reduce the plant biomass either through the application of selected aquatic herbicides or by other methods (drawdown, mechanical removal, ete.) Prior to stocking grass carp.
Pond systems which utilize emergency spillways or large surface overflow systems, should use a barrier to prevent escapement. The most successful fish barrier designs incorporate horizontal steel bars, which have a 1.0 inch space between bars.
Care should be taken to keep the barrier clear of debris during high water periods. Failure to provide maintenance on the barrier at this time could result in complete failure of the barrier or could seriously damage the pond's dam.
Grass carp will consume floating pelleted fish feeds and prefer these feeds over aquatic plants. In ponds where supplemental feedings of bream or channel catfish is desired, you may want to consider other aquatic weed control options.
If you have further questions or need additional assistance on the "use of grass carp", please call 803-734-3891.
A list of SCDNR approved triploid grass carp vendors can be obtained by writing to:
Hatchery Coordinator
Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
Post Office Box 167
Columbia, SC 29202
The information above regarding Using Triploid Grass Carp for Aquatic Plant Control in SC Small Impoundments is provided in an Adobe PDF file. Adobe® Reader® is required to open the above files and is available as a free download from the Adobe® Web site.

The discussion was light, and it was good to see your board's light hearted handling of the problem.
A larger problem exists with the pond project, and several others. While, as noted above, the board worked well at this stage, and this meeting, the pond has been a territorial dispute between DeMarchi and McMillin, and battle of self proclaimed experts, for too long. Briefly, both at times, have brought proposals forward - that went no where for long periods of time, for the bulk head, weed control, etc. DeMarchi, with board approval hired a company at a monthly rate to control the weeds. Later, he canceled the service. McMillin, brought volunteers in and cleared weeds, debris, and added the fountain. It should be noted that at last months meeting, McMillin requested $134.00 to purchase a product to kill the weeds. In fact, he had to order more than he felt he needed, but hoped to sell part of it to the condo association, for their ponds. What happened to that? No one asked. DeMarchi, controlled the bulk head project, but needed money from the Grounds' budget for grass, etc. McMillin said that was ok, at least he was being asked this time, rather than the money just being appropriated. Now, we have a pond with weeds, a fountain in the weed pond, with a spot light to highlight it, and a bulkhead.
Below, I've provided a information sheet on the grass eating carp. Will this fix it.? Maybe, but it could take quite some time, and we have quite the mess.
Using Triploid Grass Carp for
Aquatic Plant Control in SC Small Impoundments
The triploid "grass carp" which is a sterile version of the white amur, has been used in South Carolina's private and public waters for the control of noxious aquatic plant species since 1984. Triploid grass carp are incapable of reproducing viable offspring.Grass carp are selective feeders, preferring soft tissue aquatic plant species. Where more than one noxious plant species is present, the carp will feed almost exclusively on the more preferred plant species before targeting the other available aquatic plant species.
The following is a list of aquatic plant species commonly found in South Carolina's waters that grass carp will feed on:
Preferred Plants
- Naja sp.
- Bladderwort sp.
- Coontail
- Hydrilla
- Salvinia
- Potomegton sp.
- Slender spikerush
- Elodea
- Duckweed
Non-Preferred Plants
- Water milfoil
- Cabomba
- Water lilies
- Cat-tails
- Water shield
- Water meal
- Pithophora algae
- Alligatorweed
- Water primrose
- Lyngbya algae
- Water hycanith
- Water lotus
- Pennywort
- Parrot's feather
Ponds which are seriously impacted by noxious aquatic plant species (high plant biomass), should be managed to reduce the plant biomass either through the application of selected aquatic herbicides or by other methods (drawdown, mechanical removal, ete.) Prior to stocking grass carp.
Stocking Rates
Recent research on grass carp stocking rates indicates to achieve control a stocking rate of 4-6 fish per ton of aquatic plant biomass must be used. Pond owners should consult with a SCDNR fisheries biologist or other qualified individuals to assess a stocking rate recommendation. Generally, in South Carolina a stocking rate between 10-40 fish per surface acre will be recommended, depending on the plant species and the biomass of plants present in the pond.Size of Fish to Stock
In a new pond or a pond devoid of fish predators, a grass carp 6-12 inches in length can be used. In ponds having potential grass carp predators, a grass carp 12 inches or larger should be used.Grass Carp Predators
The following is a list of potential grass carp predators that can seriously reduce or eliminate all grass carp:- Man
- largemouth bass, bowfin, etc.
- osprey, herons, etc.
- otters
- alligators
Grass carp can and will leave a pond via the emergency spillway or large concrete surface overflow systems during peak rain "events". Any overflow deeper than 3.0 inches will encourage the loss of grass carp.Pond systems which utilize emergency spillways or large surface overflow systems, should use a barrier to prevent escapement. The most successful fish barrier designs incorporate horizontal steel bars, which have a 1.0 inch space between bars.
Care should be taken to keep the barrier clear of debris during high water periods. Failure to provide maintenance on the barrier at this time could result in complete failure of the barrier or could seriously damage the pond's dam.
Time to Stock
Grass carp should be stocked in the spring for best results. Early plant growth for South Carolina's aquatic plants begins in late March - April. Fish should be stocked at this time to allow them to aggressively feed on tender, young plant growth. Since the fish's metabolism is increasing with rising water temperatures, they grow at an accelerated rate and quickly reach a size that eliminates many potential grass carp predator problems.Source of Fish
Triploid grass carp can only be sold in South Carolina by SCDNR approved grass carp vendors. A department permit is issued by the vendor to each individual who obtains these fish verifying the fish as being "triploids".Length of Weed Control
Depending on the aquatic weed species, plant biomass, number of fish stocked, and grass carp survival, effective weed control success can vary from 1-10 years in most South Carolina ponds. Effective weed control should be evident 6-12 months after the initial stocking of the carp.Grass carp and Bass / Bluegill
Grass carp are mainly herbivores but will consume insects, invertebrates, and other gamefish food organisms. There is no documentation that indicates that grass carp are serious predators on other fish species. Grass carp do compete with typical bass/bluegill populations for food, therefore, some competition between species does exist.Grass carp will consume floating pelleted fish feeds and prefer these feeds over aquatic plants. In ponds where supplemental feedings of bream or channel catfish is desired, you may want to consider other aquatic weed control options.
If you have further questions or need additional assistance on the "use of grass carp", please call 803-734-3891.
A list of SCDNR approved triploid grass carp vendors can be obtained by writing to:
Hatchery Coordinator
Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
Post Office Box 167
Columbia, SC 29202
The information above regarding Using Triploid Grass Carp for Aquatic Plant Control in SC Small Impoundments is provided in an Adobe PDF file. Adobe® Reader® is required to open the above files and is available as a free download from the Adobe® Web site.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
PLEASE NOTE: I will relate what occurred to the best of my ability. As always, I highly suggest that you go to the tape of the meeting at the WPA website, or The Wedgefield Times, to verify information for yourself. COMMENTS, are provided at the end of the article, and noted as such.
Roads Chair, Anderson, presented the report. The Roads Committee had invited the board to attend a recent committee meeting, to provide the board the opportunity to review all of the areas that had been identified as problems, and select 13 of the worst areas, as our next project. 13, because that was the funding available, after the selection. During the discussion, the following key items were noted. Earlier this year, Anderson, had received approval from the board to contract with EarthWorks (engineering), to review the areas, note the engineering necessary to repair each area, write the specs for all the areas (believe 23 were identified), write the request for proposal and send it out, and once a contract was awarded, oversee the project. It appeared from Anderson's report, that the board had reviewed the areas, and associated costs of each, after the bids were in. Anderson made a motion to contract with Coastal (vendor on last years project, and least cost), to repair the 13 areas, with the cost not to exceed $153,000. Ebert seconded the motion.
McMillin began to question the project, almost before the motion could be completed, and seconded. He had questions as to what the contractor was doing about the base. It didn't make sense to him. His questions and comments went on for quite some time. At some points he was reminded that he had been at the Roads Committee meeting, when the 13 areas had been identified, had received all the materials, specs, etc., including EarthWorks specs on every area. Anderson reminded him, that he, Anderson, was not an engineer, that EarthWorks had satisfactorily performed these services on the last project, etc. McMillin said, "I'm not a big fan of EarthWorks. Can't trust engineering." He continued with questions about other areas, stated areas where he felt drainage was the real problem, etc. Around and around it went. At another point, DeMarchi said, "I'm looking at reserve accounts. I have more than enough in drainage. I'll give up the rest of this money...." DeMarchi, was willing to move drainage funds to roads, in an attempt to get more areas on the list done. Garrison, said something equivalent to let's just deal with what we are right now. Later, at some point, Garrison jumped in and said to McMillin, "What is it that you do want to do? All I've heard for 25 minutes is what you don't want to do?"
COMMENTS: First, on a very positive note regarding the Roads Report, we should thank Anderson, Roads Chair, for continuing to stay the course, seek engineering, allow those with expertise to write the specs, contract, and follow the work of the vendor. He doesn't get angry, he simply stays the course, answers to the best of his ability, refers to documents that he has provided consistently to every board member, and more to his credit, has invited the full board to his committee meeting to determine, the areas "most critical" for the next round of road repair. Excellent! More kudos to Garrison for openly, and fairly, moving this discussion along. DeMarchi, should also be credited with attempting to serve as many as possible, for the greater good. He's offering funding from drainage, in hopes of contracting for more areas to be repaired. Cline, also jumps in at critical points with constructive thoughts. What could be better than these board members working constructively, to get us through this discussion, and move a credibly constructed project forward?
McMillin appeared to be a board member, with nothing but sour grapes, on his plate. It appeared that he hadn't gone into this kind of questioning during the board's meeting with the Roads Committee, and that he waited for a bigger stage to make a splash. It appeared that he sunk, rather than swam, and if he was fishing for support for his "expertise", no one was taking the bait.
Roads Chair, Anderson, presented the report. The Roads Committee had invited the board to attend a recent committee meeting, to provide the board the opportunity to review all of the areas that had been identified as problems, and select 13 of the worst areas, as our next project. 13, because that was the funding available, after the selection. During the discussion, the following key items were noted. Earlier this year, Anderson, had received approval from the board to contract with EarthWorks (engineering), to review the areas, note the engineering necessary to repair each area, write the specs for all the areas (believe 23 were identified), write the request for proposal and send it out, and once a contract was awarded, oversee the project. It appeared from Anderson's report, that the board had reviewed the areas, and associated costs of each, after the bids were in. Anderson made a motion to contract with Coastal (vendor on last years project, and least cost), to repair the 13 areas, with the cost not to exceed $153,000. Ebert seconded the motion.
McMillin began to question the project, almost before the motion could be completed, and seconded. He had questions as to what the contractor was doing about the base. It didn't make sense to him. His questions and comments went on for quite some time. At some points he was reminded that he had been at the Roads Committee meeting, when the 13 areas had been identified, had received all the materials, specs, etc., including EarthWorks specs on every area. Anderson reminded him, that he, Anderson, was not an engineer, that EarthWorks had satisfactorily performed these services on the last project, etc. McMillin said, "I'm not a big fan of EarthWorks. Can't trust engineering." He continued with questions about other areas, stated areas where he felt drainage was the real problem, etc. Around and around it went. At another point, DeMarchi said, "I'm looking at reserve accounts. I have more than enough in drainage. I'll give up the rest of this money...." DeMarchi, was willing to move drainage funds to roads, in an attempt to get more areas on the list done. Garrison, said something equivalent to let's just deal with what we are right now. Later, at some point, Garrison jumped in and said to McMillin, "What is it that you do want to do? All I've heard for 25 minutes is what you don't want to do?"
COMMENTS: First, on a very positive note regarding the Roads Report, we should thank Anderson, Roads Chair, for continuing to stay the course, seek engineering, allow those with expertise to write the specs, contract, and follow the work of the vendor. He doesn't get angry, he simply stays the course, answers to the best of his ability, refers to documents that he has provided consistently to every board member, and more to his credit, has invited the full board to his committee meeting to determine, the areas "most critical" for the next round of road repair. Excellent! More kudos to Garrison for openly, and fairly, moving this discussion along. DeMarchi, should also be credited with attempting to serve as many as possible, for the greater good. He's offering funding from drainage, in hopes of contracting for more areas to be repaired. Cline, also jumps in at critical points with constructive thoughts. What could be better than these board members working constructively, to get us through this discussion, and move a credibly constructed project forward?
McMillin appeared to be a board member, with nothing but sour grapes, on his plate. It appeared that he hadn't gone into this kind of questioning during the board's meeting with the Roads Committee, and that he waited for a bigger stage to make a splash. It appeared that he sunk, rather than swam, and if he was fishing for support for his "expertise", no one was taking the bait.
Eight board members were present for the meeting last night. Ten residents were in attendance. Stay tuned for more pouting, efforts AGAIN to bring speed bumps, or rumble strips, feigned questioning of the road project, and upsets about the gatehouse.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Your board has gone silent on too many important areas of information, as they govern! What do I mean? Our minutes are sanitized, they provide very little critical information, and in the last several months, now that there is no one at the board table to question, and bring information forward through questioning, there is a lot of no reporting, or vague and limited reporting, and what could appear as omission of information, with intention.
Go back and read the previous article on this blog, "A Review of the Correspondence File Begs The Questions, Who Has To Write The Board To Be Served and Heard? Who Is Telling The Truth From The Board Table?" The information provided from the official, approved minutes, regarding DeMarchi's drainage work, magnifies what I just stated. In March 2015, he states, what probably should be done. In April 2015, there is no report. In May 2015, the minutes refer you to the April Report (?????), when the minutes state there wasn't one! At the June meeting, DeMarchi appears to be on his merry drainage project way, talking about less than three bidders, on a small part, because he is going to piece meal, the project, and talk about $400 work, rather than the entire scope of work he discussed in March. They wear you out, drag it out, and quite frankly appear to count on you not following anything! He claims at some points over the months, that he got phone calls about drainage, after rains. We also had the claims of complaints, regarding speed, to justify the whole speed bump initiatives, by both DeMarchi, and McMillin. Some of this miscreant behavior, caused me to write and ask the board, the following, What is the proper procedure to bring concerns to the board?" Do all residents have the right to call board members at home? Community Liaison, Anderson, answered, stating, "All questions, concerns, complaints, etc. are supposed to be in writing and delivered to the office either in person, by mail, or email." How did we get speed bump proposals, and drainage complaints, when there was nothing in the correspondence files?????
If nothing else, whatever you may think, I follow the rules. I wrote the board. Community Liaison, Anderson, partially answered. I have both respect, and lack of respect for Anderson. He answers respectfully in his writings, in the aspect that he answers partially, and is not abusive, something some on the board don't do. I disrespect, his vagueness, and his lack of follow up, to see if other board members have responded, after his referral, and if they haven't (much the case), to report it from the board table. Same goes to you President Walton, as you are copied on everything. Twice, in his partial answer to me, Anderson uses the phrase, "to my knowledge." Probably means, didn't ask, didn't seek information, because they (In this case - McMillin, and DeMarchi), don't want to answer, because the truth might be harmful to the administration.
My questions posed in my letter to the board, for DeMarchi, follow:
"During the May WPA Board Meeting, a board member mentioned that the bookkeeper/ accountant had left, and wanted to know if she would be replaced. When did this contractor, or employee leave? What was the date? What was the reason that this person left? Treasurer DeMarchi, did not report on the date this individual left, plans to replace her, candidates, or anticipated expense to the accounting function. Please provide that information."
It has been 27 days, and DeMarchi hasn't answered. I pay my assessments, on time, every time, and I have a right to ask, and be answered. I have more of right to be served, then those individuals with drainage issues, who called DeMarchi, at home, and are being served at our expense, and didn't follow the rules. It is bad enough, that he hasn't answered a resident, but what about what this board stays silent on, doesn't care enough to question, when it involves a staff person, or contractor, handling our monies, who leaves, and the TREASURER, doesn't report it to the board, at the board table!!!! That's the kind of dysfunctional power that DeMarchi seems to have, he is a self appointed expert on numerous areas, and above answering residents, and worse, above sharing critical information, with the other elected board members, at the board table. The rest of this board, by their failure to question, from the board table, in view of their resident public, appear to possess the same characteristics. Where's President Walton? I forget myself! He appears to be one of the deviant participants! It has been 27 days, Treasurer DeMarchi, you really should come out of the hole, and answer! We'll keep counting, and publishing the count. It is important! If you reviewed the correspondence file, you'd note that there have been questions regarding inaccuracies in the financial reports, for months, with errors acknowledged, and we've lost one of the people responsible for handling our money, from DeMarchi's so called "accounting function", when not one of them has real accountant education.
Go back and read the previous article on this blog, "A Review of the Correspondence File Begs The Questions, Who Has To Write The Board To Be Served and Heard? Who Is Telling The Truth From The Board Table?" The information provided from the official, approved minutes, regarding DeMarchi's drainage work, magnifies what I just stated. In March 2015, he states, what probably should be done. In April 2015, there is no report. In May 2015, the minutes refer you to the April Report (?????), when the minutes state there wasn't one! At the June meeting, DeMarchi appears to be on his merry drainage project way, talking about less than three bidders, on a small part, because he is going to piece meal, the project, and talk about $400 work, rather than the entire scope of work he discussed in March. They wear you out, drag it out, and quite frankly appear to count on you not following anything! He claims at some points over the months, that he got phone calls about drainage, after rains. We also had the claims of complaints, regarding speed, to justify the whole speed bump initiatives, by both DeMarchi, and McMillin. Some of this miscreant behavior, caused me to write and ask the board, the following, What is the proper procedure to bring concerns to the board?" Do all residents have the right to call board members at home? Community Liaison, Anderson, answered, stating, "All questions, concerns, complaints, etc. are supposed to be in writing and delivered to the office either in person, by mail, or email." How did we get speed bump proposals, and drainage complaints, when there was nothing in the correspondence files?????
If nothing else, whatever you may think, I follow the rules. I wrote the board. Community Liaison, Anderson, partially answered. I have both respect, and lack of respect for Anderson. He answers respectfully in his writings, in the aspect that he answers partially, and is not abusive, something some on the board don't do. I disrespect, his vagueness, and his lack of follow up, to see if other board members have responded, after his referral, and if they haven't (much the case), to report it from the board table. Same goes to you President Walton, as you are copied on everything. Twice, in his partial answer to me, Anderson uses the phrase, "to my knowledge." Probably means, didn't ask, didn't seek information, because they (In this case - McMillin, and DeMarchi), don't want to answer, because the truth might be harmful to the administration.
My questions posed in my letter to the board, for DeMarchi, follow:
"During the May WPA Board Meeting, a board member mentioned that the bookkeeper/ accountant had left, and wanted to know if she would be replaced. When did this contractor, or employee leave? What was the date? What was the reason that this person left? Treasurer DeMarchi, did not report on the date this individual left, plans to replace her, candidates, or anticipated expense to the accounting function. Please provide that information."
It has been 27 days, and DeMarchi hasn't answered. I pay my assessments, on time, every time, and I have a right to ask, and be answered. I have more of right to be served, then those individuals with drainage issues, who called DeMarchi, at home, and are being served at our expense, and didn't follow the rules. It is bad enough, that he hasn't answered a resident, but what about what this board stays silent on, doesn't care enough to question, when it involves a staff person, or contractor, handling our monies, who leaves, and the TREASURER, doesn't report it to the board, at the board table!!!! That's the kind of dysfunctional power that DeMarchi seems to have, he is a self appointed expert on numerous areas, and above answering residents, and worse, above sharing critical information, with the other elected board members, at the board table. The rest of this board, by their failure to question, from the board table, in view of their resident public, appear to possess the same characteristics. Where's President Walton? I forget myself! He appears to be one of the deviant participants! It has been 27 days, Treasurer DeMarchi, you really should come out of the hole, and answer! We'll keep counting, and publishing the count. It is important! If you reviewed the correspondence file, you'd note that there have been questions regarding inaccuracies in the financial reports, for months, with errors acknowledged, and we've lost one of the people responsible for handling our money, from DeMarchi's so called "accounting function", when not one of them has real accountant education.
Next, we move to board member, McMillin. He hasn't answered in 27 days, either! Since he is Grounds Chair, it appears, this time around in the battles at the board table, of whose in charge of the project (Previously, DeMarchi handled it.), he should answer the questions regarding the gate house fix. Anderson, really didn't answer them. It doesn't count, if you don't answer all the questions, and use the term "to my knowledge", when you don't ask questions, before you answer. Here's the questions, presented in my letter to the board, regarding the gate house:
"As residents, we have had little, to nothing, in updates on the state of the almost 2 year, gatehouse fix. Have the windows, purchased almost 2 years ago, been installed? Who removed the dry wall and floor coverings? Who treated, or remediated the molds? Where were the moldy wood and dry wall debris taken for disposal? How were they prepared for disposal? Who transported the debris for disposal?
It appears, looking in the windows, that some dry wall and wood have been replaced. Who replaced it? How much did the supplies for mold remediation, and damage to dry wall and wood cost?
I have reviewed the most recent bids for the gatehouse. One licensed, insured contractor said the following, “"Removal of dry wall and floor coverings. (This will be done by a mold remediation company due to the severity of MOLDS that are growing so this will take care of Gate House Proposal # 1-2 as well." He ends with, "This is a good faith estimate for work described in the bid proposal as well as extras. highly advise to be done." He goes on in another area to say, "Anything with a asterisk is highly advised extras to prevent this problem from happening in the future. Due to the fact the building was built with no extra plywood an water barrier there are no guarantees the elastic membrane and vapor barrier are highly recommended to take the place of the plywood an water barrier to prevent water coming in that penetrates the brick." As a resident, I am very concerned about what is happening with this project, particularly because our board, for whatever reason, has failed to report on it."
Board Member, McMillin, it has been 27 days, and you haven't answered. President Walton, you are copied on all resident correspondence with the rest of the board. You are copied on any responses from Anderson, as Community Liaison. Where is your leadership and responsibility? Is your failure to see that responses are given due to your failure to respond, when I asked you how you could have submitted a bid from your company, when you had signed a "Conflict of Interest", at the time, that excluded you, or any board member, from bidding, let alone accepting a contract from the WPA? Some say, "silence is golden", it doesn't apply in these situations, in fact silence now, and as often as it happens from this board, may be a question of integrity, and sound governance.
Board Member, McMillin, in the past, you have bragged, bragged, and bragged, from the board table, about your volunteer efforts. Why the silence about the gate house? I have been asked by the people I've contacted about this project, if I asked the board. I can respond, that the board won't address this subject. I'm just covering my bases. The last time, the board wouldn't answer, and I wrote the governor's office, they asked whether I had asked the board about the particulars of that project. I told them, that under President Walton's long run as president, that there was a period of time, that we went over a year, without residents being answered, and hell would freeze over, and the devil would dance on it, before this board answered. Board Member, McMillin, there is ice in hell, and you haven't answered, and the devil is putting on his dancing shoes. If you don't answer soon, I'll just provide my correspondence from and to the board. President Walton, it is time to wake up, and serve according to good governing practices.
"As residents, we have had little, to nothing, in updates on the state of the almost 2 year, gatehouse fix. Have the windows, purchased almost 2 years ago, been installed? Who removed the dry wall and floor coverings? Who treated, or remediated the molds? Where were the moldy wood and dry wall debris taken for disposal? How were they prepared for disposal? Who transported the debris for disposal?
It appears, looking in the windows, that some dry wall and wood have been replaced. Who replaced it? How much did the supplies for mold remediation, and damage to dry wall and wood cost?
I have reviewed the most recent bids for the gatehouse. One licensed, insured contractor said the following, “"Removal of dry wall and floor coverings. (This will be done by a mold remediation company due to the severity of MOLDS that are growing so this will take care of Gate House Proposal # 1-2 as well." He ends with, "This is a good faith estimate for work described in the bid proposal as well as extras. highly advise to be done." He goes on in another area to say, "Anything with a asterisk is highly advised extras to prevent this problem from happening in the future. Due to the fact the building was built with no extra plywood an water barrier there are no guarantees the elastic membrane and vapor barrier are highly recommended to take the place of the plywood an water barrier to prevent water coming in that penetrates the brick." As a resident, I am very concerned about what is happening with this project, particularly because our board, for whatever reason, has failed to report on it."
Board Member, McMillin, it has been 27 days, and you haven't answered. President Walton, you are copied on all resident correspondence with the rest of the board. You are copied on any responses from Anderson, as Community Liaison. Where is your leadership and responsibility? Is your failure to see that responses are given due to your failure to respond, when I asked you how you could have submitted a bid from your company, when you had signed a "Conflict of Interest", at the time, that excluded you, or any board member, from bidding, let alone accepting a contract from the WPA? Some say, "silence is golden", it doesn't apply in these situations, in fact silence now, and as often as it happens from this board, may be a question of integrity, and sound governance.
Board Member, McMillin, in the past, you have bragged, bragged, and bragged, from the board table, about your volunteer efforts. Why the silence about the gate house? I have been asked by the people I've contacted about this project, if I asked the board. I can respond, that the board won't address this subject. I'm just covering my bases. The last time, the board wouldn't answer, and I wrote the governor's office, they asked whether I had asked the board about the particulars of that project. I told them, that under President Walton's long run as president, that there was a period of time, that we went over a year, without residents being answered, and hell would freeze over, and the devil would dance on it, before this board answered. Board Member, McMillin, there is ice in hell, and you haven't answered, and the devil is putting on his dancing shoes. If you don't answer soon, I'll just provide my correspondence from and to the board. President Walton, it is time to wake up, and serve according to good governing practices.
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