A resident sent the following information to the blog. Thank you for sharing the information with our readers. As always, the resident's name has been removed.
Hi, Madeline.
Just wanted to give you an update from the mowing meeting last night in case you haven’t had one already. While I missed the board meeting on Tuesday night, it certainly seems we learned a lot more information during a meeting about keeping the golf course mowed run by a resident than what was presented by the Board on Tuesday. In short, Butch spelled out the amount of money taken in to mow the golf course to date and what it will take in order to continue cutting. As of now, there is enough money to continue through mid-July. Donations were down in June from the previous month and Butch opined that people just may not know that he needs their continued help. At that point, Larry McMillan indicated he was in the process of writing an article for The Wragg and volunteered to include information related to the mowing so as to hopefully boost contributions. He and Peggy Phillips, who was also there, even volunteered to pass out flyers and tape them to each resident’s mailbox with the same information.
As to the new ownership, Butch and Wyndell indicated a private party intends to purchase the golf course and amenities with closing mid-August. Butch suggested that he and others were going to schedule a meeting with the purchaser to express the community’s interest in helping to make the transition in ownership a smooth one and to even offer to continue cutting for a period of time after closing. There was little information about what the new owner’s intentions are with regard to the golf course, other than it’s possible he is considering the possibility of leasing the property out to a third party in order to run the course. Mitch’s name was even added to the mix as possibly the person who will oversee that business. All of that is rumor at this point, which is why Butch and company are going to meet with the owner and hopefully get the full story. One other item of interest was the new owner’s intention to update the manor house and run a restaurant there. How great would that be!
What I took away from the meeting was 1) appreciation that Butch and company have taken the golf course on and ensured its maintenance. I can’t imagine how bad it would look by now if no one had stepped up. Also, 2) how great it was to meet with my neighbors and get information, and 3) further appreciation that Butch and company are making plans to meet with and get further information and offer to work with the new owner. What a win/win. Also, I am very glad I didn’t bother with Tuesday’s meeting where I understand people were chastised for having the audacity to even bring up the golf course. This has been a real lesson in leadership and what each and every one of us as residents of Wedgefield can do, even with no Board to represent us.