Do you have information, or an opinion - agree, or not, you can email The Wedgefield Examiner at wedgefieldexaminerthe@yahoo.com. We'll remove your name to protect the innocent, and publish it *. P.S. If you would like your name published, please note that on your email, otherwise we leave your name out.
It has been the policy, like it or not, of The Wedgefield Examiner to publish letters to the editor, agree with me, or not, according to the notice printed above in red. Some letters to the blog get critical of me, and that's ok. Sometimes letters are critical of an unknown (name withheld according to policy) resident who wrote the blog, and that's ok. We have reached a point, that I did once before - only once, where I refuse to publish a letter, because it is offensive to a named resident, who DARED to honestly write the blog about a situation that happened to them, and is now being attacked in an ugly writing, AND the writer of the withheld letter, threatens "If I see MY NAME on here again I will definitely contact a attorney." That doesn't scare me. In fact let's start at the beginning, and you'll see that the writer of the letter I have refused to publish, has caused their own problems. By all means writer, take the following information to your attorney. To the writer of the current - never to be published letter, it could appear that you notified your "friends" in Wedgefield of your letter to the blog. I have not written an article in about two weeks. About a week ago I published a notice that I would not be publishing again until December 2nd. The blog day by day stats have been unusually high for a period when I wasn't publishing, and in the last 24 hours over 200 readers have been on the blog looking for something?????
1) On July 8, 2017 a resident who wished their name to be left off their letter, has a letter published on the blog titled "Resident Emails A Posting Titled - The Rag". The resident discusses every element of the previous Wragg, and asks for reporting of the actions of our Wedgefield Board. The resident writer does not use your name, but speaks of what is available to residents in Wedgefield, and writes the following, "Then there's the Men's and Women's Golf Association that only exists on the HOA website......or perhaps you want to join The Boat Club or the Women of Wedgefield to gorge on food and guzzle libations. Is that all there is?"
2) On July 10, 2017, you write a letter to the blog, and ask that your name be used. See article, titled - "WOW President Writes The Blog In Response To Another Resident's Email To The Blog Titled "The Rag."
3) On July 11, 2017, The Wedgefield Examiner publishes, "Another Resident Writes The Blog". The writer asks that their name be published, and after reading the postings on the blog regarding this controversy, addresses you by first name only, provides thoughtful comments, and provides their personal phone number, should you wish to discuss it.
4) On November 21, 2017, The Wedgefield Examiner publishes, "A Board Candidate Writes The Blog With Congrats To Those Who Won, Offers Considerations And Resolutions For The Future." The writer of this email asks that their name be posted. In the email your name is mentioned by the writer. I had no problem leaving the letter as it was sent, even though your name was in the body of the letter. The writer spoke of their experience in interacting with you as a member of the public WPA Election Committee. Yes, besides the blog, your public function as a committee member, puts your name on tapes recordings of the WPA meetings including the annual meeting, in WPA minutes posted on the Internet, etc. By all means, take this information to your attorney also.
In regard to the annual meeting please note, you have a problem with a WPA voter mentioning no pencils, possible attitude as to whether they had already voted, and note in your now unpublished letter that I have worked with you in elections before. Yes, we have worked together and you did a beautiful job, and I totally respected your work. You and I worked very well together a year or two ago, when the trees were being dumped in the canals. The most concerning thing I read in the published voters email, was that you and one of your co-committee members, appeared to send the voter on a wild goose chase when she wanted to leave her vote with someone to get on with her day, and you sent her to the WPA Board Treasurer to take her vote early. This voter, had openly said in the past that the Board Treasurer, who was at one point named to the Election Committee, should not be counting the votes of the board member running for re-election. Your experience as a Election Committee member would have left you knowing that no one can just leave their vote. They have to wait and hand it over at the point of the formal collection of ballots. It could look to anyone, that she was sent to the Treasurer for a get back laugh.
Perhaps, you could ask the board to publish your unpublished letter to the blog on their website. They have the time and space to publish pictures, advisements of decorating dates, and yet fail to post the items required by our by-laws. I'm sure they'll make room for you.
1) On July 8, 2017 a resident who wished their name to be left off their letter, has a letter published on the blog titled "Resident Emails A Posting Titled - The Rag". The resident discusses every element of the previous Wragg, and asks for reporting of the actions of our Wedgefield Board. The resident writer does not use your name, but speaks of what is available to residents in Wedgefield, and writes the following, "Then there's the Men's and Women's Golf Association that only exists on the HOA website......or perhaps you want to join The Boat Club or the Women of Wedgefield to gorge on food and guzzle libations. Is that all there is?"
2) On July 10, 2017, you write a letter to the blog, and ask that your name be used. See article, titled - "WOW President Writes The Blog In Response To Another Resident's Email To The Blog Titled "The Rag."
3) On July 11, 2017, The Wedgefield Examiner publishes, "Another Resident Writes The Blog". The writer asks that their name be published, and after reading the postings on the blog regarding this controversy, addresses you by first name only, provides thoughtful comments, and provides their personal phone number, should you wish to discuss it.
4) On November 21, 2017, The Wedgefield Examiner publishes, "A Board Candidate Writes The Blog With Congrats To Those Who Won, Offers Considerations And Resolutions For The Future." The writer of this email asks that their name be posted. In the email your name is mentioned by the writer. I had no problem leaving the letter as it was sent, even though your name was in the body of the letter. The writer spoke of their experience in interacting with you as a member of the public WPA Election Committee. Yes, besides the blog, your public function as a committee member, puts your name on tapes recordings of the WPA meetings including the annual meeting, in WPA minutes posted on the Internet, etc. By all means, take this information to your attorney also.
In regard to the annual meeting please note, you have a problem with a WPA voter mentioning no pencils, possible attitude as to whether they had already voted, and note in your now unpublished letter that I have worked with you in elections before. Yes, we have worked together and you did a beautiful job, and I totally respected your work. You and I worked very well together a year or two ago, when the trees were being dumped in the canals. The most concerning thing I read in the published voters email, was that you and one of your co-committee members, appeared to send the voter on a wild goose chase when she wanted to leave her vote with someone to get on with her day, and you sent her to the WPA Board Treasurer to take her vote early. This voter, had openly said in the past that the Board Treasurer, who was at one point named to the Election Committee, should not be counting the votes of the board member running for re-election. Your experience as a Election Committee member would have left you knowing that no one can just leave their vote. They have to wait and hand it over at the point of the formal collection of ballots. It could look to anyone, that she was sent to the Treasurer for a get back laugh.
Perhaps, you could ask the board to publish your unpublished letter to the blog on their website. They have the time and space to publish pictures, advisements of decorating dates, and yet fail to post the items required by our by-laws. I'm sure they'll make room for you.