DATE: September 20, 2016
TO: WPA Board
ATTENTION: President, Walton
MEETING – SEPT. 20, 2016
Please distribute
this letter to the entire board, and place a copy in the correspondence file.
President Walton, I
am requesting permission to speak at the Sept. 20, 2016 Board Meeting, under
the following Policy Manual guidelines. “Association
Members Requesting to Speak at a Regular Monthly Board Meeting: A property owner has the right to be placed
on the agenda by notifying the President one week prior to the Board meeting
and to inform the President of the subject to be addressed under the following
board procedure: Board Meeting Procedure
Pertaining to Resident Speakers: 1. The meeting shall be called to order and a quorum
verified. 2. Property owners (no more than 2) who have
requested to be on the agenda shall be recognized. Each presenter shall have five minutes to
address the Board. Time will be called
either by the Secretary or the President.
3. The Board may or may not care
to respond to the presentation. 4. This
segment of the meeting shall not exceed 20 minutes.” My presentation is: “Wedgefield Crisis – Canal & Golf
Course Properties, General Maintenance, and Concerns Regarding Actions of The
Board, Particularly – Legal, ARC, Water Amenities and Compliance”
Thank you.