I have no objection to maintaining the canal even though it belongs to
the state. Logic tells me that we should be mowing the golf course
even though it belongs to a third party and was abandoned. It
looks like hell. We should also purchase or lease the pool & tennis
court and operate and maintain them. Annual assessment will need
to go up big time but it's worth it. Real estate values are going to take
a big drop if we continue sitting on our hands. When we moved
here 5 years ago Wedgefield was a beautiful place. We ate at the
Manor House and swam in the pool. Now it's all gone.
We're of the same thought. We've been here 12 years, and the golf course was closed at
least 3 times , in bankruptcy, etc. If I remember correctly previous figures have been
1.4ml, 1ml, and now 500,000 to purchase. I feel that if we don't all put our minds
together, and open conversation amongst all members - all who have a vested stake -
our homes, we are just self destructive. I believe our board, driven by some board
members, has a agenda of it's own, and won't even bring it to the table. In the least I
believe information meetings to discuss what we might do, should be made available to
every resident. The topic - How Do We Save Wedgefield? As to the assessments, if we
were involved with the golf course, and canals, if there was a meeting, committees could
be formed to investigate potential assessments, backed by realistic numbers. If you
have been following the blog, you'll note that that was done last time with the canals,
and everyone was asked to join. Those opposed, wouldn't even participate, but did run
around publishing figures as high as $20,000 per member just to dredge the canals.
Obviously, you should know now, that those were figures used to scare people, and
divide a community. We have 1-2 people on the board now, and some on critical
committees, who were part of that ugly campaign. One of them is the legal chair.
We all have some thinking to do. We are about to elect 4 more board members, during
a critical time in Wedgefield. Open minded people who want to save the PUD -
Wedgefield - all of it, need to put their name forward, and run for board. Otherwise,
we will continue to have closed governance, continued manipulation of our governing
documents through a devious legal chair & chain of lawyers, and no service to the
"good of Wedgefield". There is no hope of progress if we continue as we are.