Do you have information, or an opinion - agree, or not, you can email The Wedgefield Examiner at We'll remove your name to protect the innocent, and publish it. P.S. If you would like your name published, please note that on your email, otherwise we leave your name out.
RUMORS have been flying for the past two weeks, that the golf course purchase has fallen through. Two came, and then a third. I don't believe that we heard an update from the board table at the July board meeting. Is that telling? I don't know. While the board doesn't have a seat at the sale table, they have told us that they were following it. To me, the rumor statements have validity, but RUMORS, ARE JUST RUMORS, until you have substantiated fact. I really hope it isn't so. As Wedgefield residents we should all know the importance of the assets in every back yard. We can be thankful for resident efforts like The Wedgefield Community Support Group, and the related private mowers. We may need them a lot longer than we thought.
If you have any valid information about the sale, please email it to the blog.