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Monday, October 2, 2017


The Wedgefield Examiner received the following information this weekend.  I'm publishing it as sent.  Looks like something to look forward to.  The group sponsoring this has provided the following email address:


"September 29, 2017

A group of Wedgefield residents have formed a small committee, The Wedgefield Candidate Night Committee, with a one time focused event, Candidate Night, to be held on October 19, 2017, at 6:30PM, at The Plantation House, right here in Wedgefield.  All five candidates for board to be voted on at the 2017 Annual Meeting have been invited.  Every Wedgefield member is invited to attend.

We are writing to ask your group’s support of the event, and hope that you will email your membership, and make them aware of Candidate Night, and the date and time.  We are providing the format for the evening, as sent to every candidate, as it includes the schedule for Candidate Night, and the open theme for the evening.

Before we end our request, should you as a leader of one of the clubs, or Facebook groups have a question, you are welcome to email the Wedgefield Candidate Night Committee, at and we will be happy to answer you.  Would you please email the committee at the same address, and let us know whether you will email your group, or not.  We are trying to notify all Wedgefield residents, and will also seek permission to post signs, at the front gate. We have already received an OK to put signage on the golf course property.

 Thank you for your consideration.

Here is our format for the evening.
1)    Free following meet & greet 6:30 – 7:00PM

2)    7:00 an introduction of each candidate, who will be provided a timed 5-minute presentation detailing, what they would like the Wedgefield voter to know about them and their goals etc., should they be elected.
3)    7:30 – questions, written by resident attendees that evening, drawn from the question box, will be asked –one candidate each with 5 timed minutes to respond.  The question pulled from the box will only be asked of the candidate on rotation to answer a question, and then we will move to the next question, and the next candidate.  This will allow more of our resident questions to be heard, and equal time answering questions for each candidate.

4)    At 8:45 our moderator will call for a wrap up, and thank the candidates, and our residents for attending, and remind our audience of the date of the Annual Meeting, and the proxy return submission deadline to the office."