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Thursday, May 3, 2018


Do you have information, or an opinion - agree, or not, you can email The Wedgefield Examiner at  We'll remove your name to protect the innocent, and publish it.  P.S.  If you would like your name published, please note that on your email, otherwise we leave your name out.
It has been a long week.  Made up policy by board member McMillin, accompanied by conversations with officers of the board who agree the policy didn't exist, and who state they can't control McMillin after he did the following to a resident in our office:  "I entered the HOA office at approximately 10:00 a.m.   I was informed by Michelle Blythe that she would have to contact Larry McMillan of my arrival.  He was on the grounds planting flowers.   Larry arrived and used the restroom to wash his hands.   He retrieved the file I requested to review and ordered me to sit on the far side of the table while he sat in a chair across from me.   Mr. McMillan spoke to me in an angry tone of voice, it was obvious he was either looking for a verbal altercation or to bully me into submission.   His body language was combative as he leaned forward.  The first thing he did was toss two pieces of paper across the table at me.  One was a blank sheet of Wedgefield letter head and the other was a copy of a "Request to Review Documents" form that he claimed he didn't make up and has been procedure of "the past 7 years."   Mr. McMillan assumes I accused him of making up this form and I don't believe he can produce documentation proving his allegation.  "  AND LATER: I asked Larry if the letterhead and request form were my copies and his response was "Madeline has copies."    I'm not sure what he was referencing in this statement.   Larry took out a computer printout documenting dates of spoil site maintenance and the Maintenance Contract Amendment. In a defensive and blatantly rude manner, he informed me of what was contained in the written materials.  I asked him if they were my copies and he referenced they were his property, something he generated.  Larry then proceeded to go on and I interrupted to asked him if he planned to sit and watch me review the file.   His response was, "I'm here to answer your questions."   I informed Larry that I didn't request to have him answer my questions; I asked to review the spoil site file.   Larry was angry at my statement and responded in a combative tone of voice, "Before you leave, I want to talk to you about your email."   I informed Larry that I would not speak to him without either Bob Garrison or Jacky Walton being present."  His response was defiant, "You want a public forum, I'll give you a public forum."   Larry made it very clear to me that he would take up this topic of conversation during the May 2018 board, meeting, (using 5 minutes to speak)and it was very clear he planned to chastise me.   As Larry stormed out of the office, he ordered the Secretary Michelle Blythe to  "call me before she leaves."   

There were more problems today that I will write about later.  Your board fails to remember this, at a time that there was a lawyer meeting this week at the office regarding the lawsuit by a brave resident who has a similar failure to follow the governing documents, and perhaps another board member run amuck.  Like living this way?  Hope some decent person on that board remembers this:

"Directors must exercise reasonable diligence in following through and carrying out the responsibilities assumed by or assigned to them under the governing legal documents.  Generally, directors must remain informed about the community association’s business at all times, be knowledgeable about the legal documents governing the affairs of the association, and attend and participate in the association meetings.  Directors may be held responsible for obtaining and reading the minutes of those association meetings the director was unable to attend.  Directors must also vote against actions taken or adopted by the Board of Directors that they are in disagreement with and record their disagreement in the meeting minutes.  Failure to perform any of these duties in a reasonably diligent and prudent manner could expose the director to liability to homeowners for breach of fiduciary duty."