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Wednesday, September 18, 2013


DeMarchi, our treasurer/drainage chair was on a roll last night.  We'll transcribe items as soon as we can, but some on our board want what they want, appear to think they are the be all and know all on many subjects, appear insulted by any questioning before a vote, and have cooperation by some others on the board to attempt to make questioning board members look stupid and uninformed. You have all of that in our treasurer/ drainage chair.  He appears to be supported by Cline, Garrison, and our president.  Occasionally, Barrier appears disgusted with discussion and calls for a vote.  McMillin and McBride had questions about the 2014 "operating" budget and the flow from operating to the use of reserves. McBride referred to a meeting of the board with the finance committee.  He stated the board was told that by 2021 reserves were expected to be over $60,000 in the hole.  Few explanations were given.  Our treasurer stated that he was sorry they ever put that information out. Some where in the discussion McMillin said it looked like a shell game that we've seen before.  The treasurer, as before under questioning, goes to martyr  and speaks to the untold hours he has spent getting his information together.  Have you ever worked on a time intensive project?  If you have you know it inside and out and are willing to speak to detail to make the project sell.  Not here.  Question and you are dumb.  We all should be thanking McMillin and McBride for attempting to lay it out on the board table. Yes, I did say thank McMillin.  When a board member does due diligence at the board table, particularly this board table, it should be recognized.  If you had been there to witness this, you should be writing Cline, Garrison, Walton, and Barrier and telling them that if they have relative comments that they should be speaking "in turn" and laying them on the board table for all to hear, instead of their mumbled side bar comments, that appear to be there to diminish the questioning board members.  McMillin and McBride voted "NO" on the 2014 budget and the $475 annual assessment.

Residents were not provided the proposed 2014 budget.  As should be, we will receive it in our annual meeting packet.  It is unfortunate that it will all be said and done when we get it.  I'm not saying the board did anything wrong in not publishing it. There should, however be concern, about this budget.  When the majority of your board votes to accept hiding detail, telling people they "don't understand", there is a real problem.. 

The Wedgefield Examiner provided a history of our budgets in another article.  We will publish the September financial report.  It has changed once again.  The information is even more limited than the previous report.  Our treasurer tells us that HE WILL HAVE ALL THE CORRECT AND RIGHT NUMBERS BY 2014.  HE IS CORRECTING EVERYTHING.  HE IS TAKING THE NUMBER OF ACCOUNTS FROM OVER 200 TO 60!  First, he slaps Cline and McMillin in the face with his righteousness.  They are our past two treasurers.  Second, how could there be so many incorrect numbers?  We were audited every year.  Finally, what are his credentials to make these claims and adjustments?  What are the credentials of his accounting department?  Don't go with this is a slap at the finance committee.  He has a staff and contractor accounting department performing his "accounting functions".  Why hasn't Washington called him to settle our national problems?  Maybe some have heard that one of the board members called it a shell game.