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Dear Examiner, Board of Directors, and Edmund LaFrance,
Were you as frustrated by the October board meeting as I was? This two hour meeting, the last before the annual, left me with a very unsatisfied feeling. With no President’s report, no Vice-president’s report, no Legal, Condo, Communication, etc., we were, instead, treated to an inaccurate and snarky Community Liaison report, an over long and off topic Grounds report, a and ridiculous Welcome committee report.
According to the present Policy Manual, after a resident’s letter goes through hoops, the final response is to be authored by the Community Liaison Chair—Jason Barrier. I am not among the favored few who ever get a written response from Jason. In fact, he has told me that he will NOT respond to my questions. This attitude towards a single resident seems to be supported by the majority of the Board.
I have written to the Board each time a member of the Board violates the Confidentiality Agreement they supported and signed. It was the attorney, Mr. Moody, who opined that , according to our By-laws, a Board member could be removed from his/her position for violating this agreement, not me. Although our By-laws do not have this provision, no one has ever questioned Mr. Moody. By the same token, NO Board member has acknowledged violating the Confidentiality Agreement.
Yes, I wrote to the Board concerning Al DeMarchi’s involvement with the recent two lot/four lot debacle. I questioned his violation of confidentiality when he mentioned the lot owner by name. I also questioned his intense involvement in resolving this issue, including ‘hours’ down at the county offices. It should not have been the job of any Board member, let alone one running for re-election, to resolve the question. It was the property owner’s job. I considered this special treatment of a single property owner pandering for votes and a violation of the Code of Ethics. I hope that each and every Board member has examined the papers that Al held up in September and is satisfied with their accuracy!
Why aren’t the changes to the Policy Manual documented at the bottom of the page?
When I asked Jacky Walton about the committee he was forming to expedite responses to residents, he looked at me as if I had two heads. When questioned further, he admitted that the committee has not been formed and has certainly not met. It frustrates me that the members of the WPA are treated so disparately! It remains my contention that ALL residents are entitled to a written response to written questions.
It is my understanding that the fiscal year starts January 1st. Looking towards next year’s budget to fund this year’s projects seems wrong!
Judith Davis