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Thursday, November 21, 2013


After I prepared the article containing questions posed by a resident regarding engineering, roads, and drainage, a few questions came to mind.  They are my questions.  I won't write the board.  I attend about 80% of the meetings, listen to the tapes of all the meetings, and periodically check the correspondence book.  Your board doesn't answer residents.  There haven't been any reports for about a year at the board table from the Community Liaison.  We'll leave the questions and comment alone posed by the resident.  Back to drainage.

We've been told that drainage work has to be done in the Enclave because everything was done wrong. Previous engineering companies were bad.  Apparently, previous boards, without DeMarchi and President Walton's input, were wrong - made bad decisions.  This board is willing to pay for work that previously new home builders (residents) were expected to pay.  We'll leave that alone for now.

We've been told that they need to get the work in the Enclave done because there are new homes about to be built.  Based on the inconsistency, conflict of interest, and self interest projects, I have a few questions, because I don't believe much of what this board says.

1)  How many homes in the Enclave has ARC (Walton, DeMarchi, and now Johnson) received permit requests for?

2) Who are the builders of record, named in the documents?

Suspicious?  Yes, with every reason to be so. Remember, DeMarchi is on about his 3rd drainage project for that area.  Over the months he has talked about his property, his expertise, previous board failure, etc., regarding drainage.  At the same time he bought more than one lot in that deplorable area (bad drainage), and sold some lots, and built homes on them, and sold them to people under what must have been deplorable conditions.  Is he, or one of his friends, building in that area again?  He listed some of his friends during a meeting in the last two months.

Just a few questions.  No accusations.  Where is the Compliance Committee in answering any of these type questions about conflict of interest, possible self gain, contracting, anything?  I forgot for a minute, President Walton put DeMarchi, our treasurer, on ARC, Drainage, and Legal, in charge of Compliance!  Maybe you will write and ask for an answer.  Since the board fails to answer, I have no place to go but this blog and hope it will spur others on to ask the questions, maybe they'll answer you, if you have the right board connections.