I'm asking the residents of Wedgfield to speak up and step up..... your voice matters. Don't be complacent and accept things as they are. If you don't think you can make a difference or make positive changes in our community, you are wrong.
Let's look at what we've come to tolerate and accept when it comes to the Wedgefield Board.
1. How many of you have gone to board meetings to witness the rude, inappropriate behaviors, and bullying of board members when they feel challenged by residents asking legitimate questions? They go into defense mode and lower themselves to yelling and belittling anyone they perceive as questioning their decisions, threatening their role, or qualifications. We all know this is wrong, it's talk about all the time, but we enable this behavior by remaining silent. We are adults and this needs to stop. How many of you have gone to a board meeting to hear, "this is a volunteer position," "I don't work for you," "no report," or "I have a job." These types of comments get paid employees fired so why do we accept this from our board. They weren't sentenced to serve the board, they actually sign on for the job term after term.
2. How many of you have asked the board questions, or for clarification of procedures, regulations, issues, etc only to get mixed messages, no response, vague responses, or feeling like someone just blew you off or even worse, spoke to you in a condescending manner? We can no longer accept this and need to stop out of box we've been put in and object to this standard practice.
3. Did you ever notice that many of the board members meet at the HOA office on the Friday before Tuesday board meetings? Is this to conduct a closed meeting so that when we attend on Tuesdays, the meeting is orchestrated and decisions are already predetermined without any input from the community? When was the last time the board sent out a survey and asked our opinions? Or took our opinions seriously?
4. Look around our plantation. Are the conditions/grounds kept up to your expectations? Do you have the privilege of living next door to someone who prefers dirt over grass, uses their lawn as an extended parking lot, collects old unregistered cars, or just doesn't maintain their property in accordance to the HOA regulations? This is probably because the board doesn't hold these homeowners to the same standards of others. THIS my good neighbors of Wedgefield is contributing to the decline in property values. What is the board doing to address absentee home owners who rent their properties to individuals who hold no responsibility to maintain the house or respect the rules of the HOA? Take a bow board members, you are contributing to the slow deterioration of our community. Can anyone elaborate on the vandalism that is allegedly happening in public areas such as the pool and Manor house? Why is this happening and what is being done to protect our community from thugs?
5. Are you happy with the level or lack of transparency with the board? Receiving yearly but general budget reports doesn't exactly tell us how our money is spent. Are you content with the HOA website? It could be utilized to communicate more effectively with residents but appears as if whoever maintains it just doesn't care and puts minimal effort into it. This could be a positive tool that brings our divided community together. Let's talk about the "Wedgefield Wragg." I have friends who live in HOA governed communities and based on what I've seen, our "Rag" is just that; a waste of time and money with no significant substance. I'm sure there's a resident in Wedgefield who would love to volunteer, take this over, and put effort into producing a more quality and detailed newsletter that brings residents together. Perhaps more people would volunteer for things such as cleanup or attend events like the Christmas tree lighting if the write up had more substance and meaning and most of all was more welcoming, especially to newcomers. Or here's a good idea.... how about publishing the Wragg on a monthly basis instead of quarterly when most of the information contained in it is already outdated. Would it really break the budget to make this happen?
6. How about term limits for board members? The same ol' board members get voted in term after term. How does this happen? Are people that disinterested or disillusioned? Or do they just think their vote doesn't matters or are complacent and don't believe they have the power to make a change. We need fresh innovative ideas and people who will breath new life into our community. We need PROFESSIONAL people with strong communication, listening, and problem solving skills. And most of all, leaders who will revive the good reputation Wedgefield had once upon a time and those capable of intellectually stopping the decline of our community and home values.
Speak up and if you are able, step up and run for the board. Attend monthly board meetings, ask questions, and get involved. Write the Wedgefield Examiner with your thoughts, ideas, concerns, etc...... and let your voice be heard.... Have an open mind and respect all opinions whether or not you agree. It's how positive changes evolve and it's how the we can bring the community together stronger than ever.