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Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Do you have information, or an opinion - agree, or not, you can email The Wedgefield Examiner at  We'll remove your name to protect the innocent, and publish it *.  P.S.  If you would like your name published, please note that on your email, otherwise we leave your name out.

Hello Madeline,

Please post my email with my name.   I would appreciate it.  Former candidate Connie Downs.

Congratulations to the winners of the 2017 November election Larry, Butch, and Steve.  I wish you all the best of luck this coming year.    I plan to continue to attend board meetings and ask questions when appropriate.     I'm still very interested in what's going on in our community. 

I also want to thank the 116 residents who voted in support of me.    Knowing you appreciated my fresh ideas, raw honesty, and outspoken viewpoints meant a lot to me.....thanks so much.    

Now for some more serious talk.  It's time for the board to contemplate changes to the election process.   I think it's important for the them to more effectively reach out to the entire community and seek out candidates with new and innovative ideas.   Putting up the same like minded people from the same social groups keeps  Wedgefield stagnant.   Diversity of thought creates a more healthy environment and moves us forward.   We've all heard the line, "change is good."   ....and it truly is.  

Everyone knows how I feel about the selection of the election committee.    First of all, who can keep up with who's in and who's out right up to the day of the election.    Not only is it important to seek out residents who have no conflict of interest, but to find those with good communication skills who are capable of treating residents with respect and kindness. And most important, those who can function in their role without personal opinions interfering with their job.   You ARE representing the Wedgefield community.   Perhaps it was "me," but I was not treated with much respect when I registered to cast my vote.   I went to my designated line staffed by Linda Meltzer and Shirley Peterson and was greeted with an accusation from Ms. Meltzer that I "already voted."   What she believed she would gain by making this false accusation is beyond me.    Shirley allowed me to sign in so I could vote.   I asked to borrow a pen so I could fill out my ballot and I was shocked by the reaction of  the women behind the tables who took hold of their pens or pulled them away and refused to help me out.   Their excuse; "it was the only pen they had."  No sense accommodating voters when it's more fun trying to embarrass them.      I didn't allow this mistreatment to ruin my day.  I actually felt bad for causing these women to revert back to their middle school years.   I'd like to make it up to them by providing the committee with extra pens next year to share with the residents and I'd be okay if one or two walked off with them. 

After completing my ballot I approached the election committee again to ask if I could submit my ballot early as I had another obligation in Conway.   The joke was on me as I trusted these women to be helpful.   I was told that Peggy Phillips was accepting early ballots and to go see her.   When I approached Peggy with my request, it was obvious by the expression on her face that the "girls" sent me on a wild goose chase, (tee hee hee).     So I understand that these women didn't vote for me.... or appreciate my viewpoints on issues.   Perhaps next year the board can seek out committee members who have professional experience and are capable of treating everyone equally and with respect.   Or perhaps people who would act in a manner that wouldn't lead some to question the outcome.   We are a community.   If you only tolerate like minded people, you should reconsider volunteering on  Wedgefield committees because people like me may drive you to act in a manner you may later regret; especially if you are given the opportunity to really get to know that person.     

One final note.   While waiting to turn in my ballot, I was approached by Bob Garrison who was inquiring about my possible interest in working on the Wragg, the website, and some of the board committees; win or lose.   I initially showed interest in these prospects, but after much consideration, I will not accept any of these roles.  Refusing to help is not in my nature.    But I'm passing on any of these offers and I'm leaving it at that.  

Connie Downs.....