Do you have information, or an opinion - agree, or not, you can email The Wedgefield Examiner at wedgefieldexaminerthe@yahoo.com. We'll remove your name to protect the innocent, and publish it *. P.S. If you would like your name published, please note that on your email, otherwise we leave your name out.
Speeding on the streets of Wedgefield is nothing new to our community or board. In the past 31 months, the speeding issue has been brought up at 11 board meetings. In June of 2015, the board failed to pass a vote to install speed bumps. End of discussion folks. The speed bump issue has been ongoing for far too long. The board knows it's problematic and something needs to be done before a resident is seriously injured or worse, but their ineffectiveness makes it futile to get the job done. It's now up to the residents to do the boards job and make this very important decision for them. On November 18th, you will have the chance to vote to have speed bumps (finally) installed to deter drivers from being reckless with our lives.
The boards
response to speeding the past few years has been to call the Sheriff's Department. Our board is great at playing the game "Hot Potato" with community issues. You remember "Hot Potato" as a child. The board keeps passing the potato until someone is left holding
it and deals with the issue, typically a resident or in this case the Sheriff's Department.
Talk to your friends and neighbors and let them know how important it is to vote on the 18th and enter a "YES" for speed bumps. If for any reason this is voted down, start attending board meetings and voice your concerns until the board is willing to listen and do something about this important safety issue. Perhaps we can engage them in another game of "Hot Potato."
Below are copies of meeting minutes that show how ineffective our board is at dealing with the speed bump issue. It's like talking to the wall! Much the same, Garrison obviously has no interest in spending money on us, Anderson is going to procrastinate, I mean investigate, and the majority "bah" on cue when it comes to a vote.
March 2015:
President’s Report:
reported that the speeders are getting worse. He asked the residents if they see speeders
please call the Sherriff’s Dept
and to please obey all speed limits and watch for children.
April 2015:
Larry reported
that there are numerous complaints concerning the speeders coming in the
plantation. He suggested getting speed bumps for the entrance, He stated his committee researched several types and came up with 4 of these; two for the incoming and two for the outgoing. Larry stated that the cost of these include ng shipping would be approximately $305 each along with 2 reflective signs to warn these drivers of these bumps at a cost of $120 additionally. Larry made a motion to spend no more than $1,400, 2nd by Keith Johnson, for the 4 speed bumps and one reflective sign. Larry decided to table his motion until further information was gathered.
Discussion: Bob stated he hasn’t seen any complaints come in. Larry stated the
complaints were verbal. Bob then questioned why these were needed in the outgoing lane. Larry
stated that it would also slow the people leaving the plantation. A question was then raised about emergency vehicles. Then discussion went to rumble strips. Adam Anderson
then suggested hiring a traffic engineer for a professional solution.
May 2015:
Old Business:
Al DeMarchi brought up the previous month’s discussion concerning speed bumps. Al suggested 1 being put at the gate house and another being at the circle entrance. He stated that Adam
was supposed to talk with a Roads engineer and asked if anyone had heard anything further on this. It was suggested that an email be sent to Adam on this.
More discussion pertaining to this was that something had to be done with the speeders. Cones can be used as per Bob suggestion. Some discussion was that the maintenance of these speed
bumps will be extensive and expensive. Another suggestion was an electronic gate, but who would come out in the middle of the night to fix.
The board will discuss further and was tabled until the June meeting.
Resident Comment:
Dave Hastings-81 Jericho Court
Dave stated that he has seen these speeders from the gate house and included that only 1 out of 10 go slow. He also stated that there is no regard to pedestrians and or golf carts.
Something needs to be done as soon as possible.
June 2015:
Old Business:
Al made a motion was made and
by Janine Cline
to approve
up to $800 for
2 speed bumps
and notification signs
for the entrance to slow speeders down.
Motion failed with 4 ayes and 4 nays.
August 2015:
Resident Comments: Dave Hastings- Jericho Court. Dave asked if anything has been done about the speeders at the entrance and Wraggs Ferry Road. Jacky stated that he does not know of anything as of this date. Al stated that the Sherriff Department and the Highway Department recommendations were speed bumps and they were not passed at the meeting.
November 2015 annual meeting:
resident stated he had sand
for luminaries
available at the condos
and the other asked if anything could be done for speeders on Live Oak Lane.
The board replied
by saying just to call the sheriff.
January 2016:
Larry stated that he would like the board to look into
a speed bump again.There
were issues with speeders while trying to remove the tree.
resident comments:
A resident stated nothing is being done with speeders. The board advised him the
department will have
to be contacted
is a concern about speeding inside Wedgefield and incorporating speed bumps or speed humps. Emergency vehicles in the past found speed bumps difficult and we should investigate with other communities as to what methods they use
At last month’s meeting the subject of adding a few speed bumps was brought up. I have researched the issue. There are two types, the traditional tall type that require an almost complete stop and a newer low version that can be crossed at 10 miles per hours.
I reached out to Georgetown EMS and Fire, got a response from the Asst. Chief and they said they had no objection to any type of speed bump we wanted to put in here. I checked Coastal Asphalt, they did Heritage Plantation speed bumps, and they will give us
a price, the real question is whether we really want to do this or not.
also believe at this meeting Adam Anderson took to Facebook to survey his "friends" about speed bumps and they were apparently not too keen on the idea. 75% against and 25% for them. The real question is how many of Adam's friends live in Wedgefield and what
about the rest of us who aren't best buds with Adam?
Comments section:
Macedo – 351 Francis Parker. Hope that you would consider Francis Parker in the speed bumps. Coming around the corner by King George they start speeding up.
August 2017:
Roads: Adam looked into the speed bump issue a little deeper. The cost per speed bump would be $900 each. They are somewhat permanent. The opinions on whether or not we need them are widely varied. His recommendation to the board is to place the question on the annual election ballot and let the owners decide this issue for themselves.
Barring any questionable vote counts, this could be passed and the issue resolved. I know what you are thinking, don't be so pessimistic about the election committee's ability to accurately count votes. But........... August
2015: Secretary’s Report: Janine Cline
made a motion to approve the people for the
election committee: Peggy Phillips was on her list, (Peggy was a candidate for the board).
Bob Garrison said Peggy Phillip shouldn’t be on the election committee. Janine Cline said that Peggy Phillips can be on but can’t do any counting or opening the ballots.
Yeah okay.... can't count votes or open ballots. What would she do then, stand there and act pretty?
Out of fairness, Peggy did step down from her prominent position, but I believe it's possible she may be counting ( Larry McMillan) votes this year. Lord knows why board members or their friends are appointed to the election committee.
I'm getting off point to bring up another point.... Please make an effort to vote on the 18th and to let the board know you are concerned for the safety of your family and neighbors and it's time to stop dodging this issue and install speed bumps.
It should be noted that over the last few years, I have opposed speed bumps for a number of reasons. It is not that I don't believe that they might be an answer toward safety. I will vote for them now that we all have a chance to be heard. Go back to the minutes presented above, and note that each time a proposal from the board table has come out of the blue. What do I mean? The first time they were proposed by then board member DeMarchi. Not one resident had written the board with concerns. DeMarchi wanted what he wanted. Then they were proposed by "I want what I want" McMillin. Again, as you will note in the minutes, not one resident had written the board. What was worse, was that McMillin said he had plenty of VERBAL complains. What is the problem with that? The very way this board operates! You, and I are instructed to put our concerns in writing! If you do, you are fortunate if you aren't attacked, and even more so if you get a legal answer back in writing - or any answer! So if you are a friend of his- in this case, McMillin, you don't have to do what the rest of us peons have to do. Additionally, this man is not above making things up! Remember the lies about he and our president hiding in a closet at just the right time, to overhear another board member ask to have the official board meeting tape erased. Never happened! Same with his unwritten complaints! At times, to keep McMillin cooperating on other levels, this board throws him a bone like the parking lot revision no one asked for.
Several years ago, with many complaints about speeding, a board put 4 way stops on Wraggs Ferry, and Wedgefield Rd. Some of the very people sitting on the board today, on verbal complaints from their friends, took the signs out - almost in the dark of night - they were there, and then poof they were gone. More money wasted for the sake of the board's friends. This kind of decision by this board is par for the course.
Most recently, residents attended board meetings, and stood up, identified themselves, and stated their concerns. I'm glad that we have a right to all put our opinion in writing, and all be heard. I am concerned after the expense, that another board will have speed bumps removed - silently- without hearing from us.