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Thursday, December 15, 2011


Please refer to the story at this website titled , "THE WPA REORGANIZATION MEETING, THE PUBLIC MEETING- THAT WASN'T".  You can't miss the fact that Garrison acts surprised that residents have gathered for this meeting. Garrison puts on a real show.  He doesn't mind that residents are there, but just maybe the Board would like to vote as to whether it is an open meeting - or not.  He doesn't get an Oscar for this performance because I've done some background checking and he put his real opinion in writing. 

On December 15th I visited the office to review the correspondence file.  I've obtained the following information legally and ethically. To set the stage for the email, it appears that there was an attempt to schedule the reorganization meeting several times.  There were conflicts of time and availability.  Here is the email.

DATE:  November 29, 2011

TO:  WPA Board

FROM:  Bob Garrison

SUBJECT:  Reorg. Meeting

"OK, one more and hopefully we got it.

Mon., Dec. 5 at 7:00pm.  Required purpose is election of officers and appointment of committee chairs by the president.

Although I personally agree with Jason that this would better be done in Executive session, my understanding is the last word from the board attorney was that this should be an open meeting.  As such, my suggestion is to do just that.  This should be a short and to the point deal.

Larry, if you would ensure that the sign is posted.  I'd appreciate it.

Kathy please make sure this is posted to the web and that both the posting and the sign are done at least 72 hours prior to Mon. evening as required.

Any questions or concerns, feel free to call me at home in the evening.  As you have indicated the likelihood of your availability, we should be able to knock this out Monday.

Also note that the meeting as proposed to take place on December 5 has been postponed and the attorney has been notified."


Residents, sometimes you have been hard on my approach to dealing with various subjects.  I've developed my own site in order to write what I need to write. I have no tolerance for people who lie, whether blatantly or by omission.  This is our community.  We have elected fellow residents to deal with us openly and honestly, in the best interests of our community.  Garrison has failed us miserably, when he snakes his way through a subject.  In fairness, I have given him credit when he does the right thing - in the best interests of the community and according to our governing documents, or in this case according to the attorney of record.  We all pay for the legal fees through our assessments.  I don't know what prompted him to go against the information he emailed to the Board, but you can trust that it wasn't in the best interests of our community.  We've had too much of this behavior from more than one Board member.  We elected Board members to serve us openly and honestly, in the best interests of our community.

When individuals fail to serve us honestly, we have a responsibility to write and make them aware that we are watching and intend to hold them to the responsibilities of their office.  Will you write the Board?  Will you stand up at a meeting and speak out against these antics?  Do you realize that we've had lawsuits, peoples reputations ruined over lies?  It won't get better until we are honest and force our Board to be honest.