Why multiple titles for one article? Same old story from this board and I'm tired of it. I'm busy getting ready for the holidays. I'm tired of the deliberate actions of this board working to keep the residents out, failing to follow the advice of a board attorney, and general disregard for policy and procedure.
First, there is more than one board member carrying the news that the board has scheduled a reorganization meeting for tonight. I'm not going to take the time to find the legal opinion and print it again. I've printed it several times. Attorney "M", and you all know who he is, but I'm not printing his name. I don't particularly admire him. He was forced on us after the 2010 Recall, said to be brilliant and know Wedgefield's long history, and then was abused and fired when he gave opinions that didn't make some of the current board members case. He did issue a written opinion on closed board meetings, including reorganization meetings. He wrote that residents should be notified and allowed to attend. This board appears to intentionally ignore legal advice. What is the big secret about who will serve as officers? They'll tell residents when THEY ARE READY!
The board meeting agenda is suppose to be posted 7 days prior to the meeting. I've checked everywhere at the WPA site and haven't found it. Did I miss something? I'm anxious to see it. I'd like to see whether we will get a report on the canal survey, etc.
This "cohesive board is so busy trying to look that way in public, that they have no time to get the real work of the association done.