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Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Same old, same old…

It’s mid-day on Wednesday, January 9 and once again the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting has not been published! Whose job is it? Is it the President’s, or the Secretary’s, or has someone delegated this job to our Resident Manager, Kathy? Regardless, more times than not, the agenda fails to appear in a timely manner.

An organizational meeting was held sometime in December. I do not remember it being posted. I DO REMEMBER paying for a legal opinion from Bob Moran that these meetings should be open to the membership. Unlike recent opinions, this one was in writing. Why would any Board member ignore written advice from an attorney? Perhaps the answer lies in the choices for committee chairs.

I’ll skip Legal and ARC, both mentioned before and both basically dysfunctional.

Al DeMarchi as Treasurer is chair of Finance and he retains the Drainage Committee. The Finance Committee needs to work on the monthly financials and the budget. I couldn’t tell you how much was spent on drainage in Wedgefield last year because I can’t find any mention on the monthly report. Al was unable to secure any members for his drainage committee. I wonder why! Hopefully, he’ll have better luck this year as the finance committee, especially, is a big job! Was Al responsible for that fiasco of our assessments or was it Janine? It was my understanding that a letter would accompany the coupon book. This letter would be specific to Wedgefield and clearly explain the additional charge for using a credit card.

Janine Cline is Secretary and is the chair of the Communications Committee. She is responsible for the WRAGG, the directory, and community events. Janine was fortunate to have Amy Brandon step up to the plate and organize our holiday decorating, tree lighting, and golf cart parade. Although Amy tried to mention all of her elves, I wonder if Janine thought to send a letter of appreciation. Hey Janine! It would be nice to have an early WRAGG with each Board member’s plans and ideas for the upcoming year. It’s hard to get four issues out when the first one comes in March. She plans to have our 2013 directory hand delivered by the end of January.

That Jason Barrier continues to chair the Community Liaison Committee is beyond belief. He rarely has a report. That may be because he doesn’t answer most concerns presented by members. Jason appears to be a Board member ONLY on the third Tuesday of the month.

John McBride was moved from the Water Amenities Committee to the Welcome Committee. The Water Amenities Committee was one of the few to present a project to the Board in 2012. The committee secured the funding and appropriate permits, sought competitive bids, and supervised the work. All of Wedgefield can now enjoy a second dock at the landing making launching and retrieving boats easier. One of the sub-committees of this committee will be discussed under another Board member. I wonder if John was removed from chairmanship of this committee because he asks questions and tries to make sure we follow the governing documents.

This” cohesive” Board prefers that everyone fall into line and believe the rhetoric delivered by a few Board members as gospel. The motto of this Board seems to be, don’t make waves and vote yes on everything presented by the ‘leadership.’ To do otherwise, results in disrespect from other Board members in private and at meetings, the withholding of information, and a reduction in responsibilities.