CORRECTION: THE DOCK IS STILL HERE! A friend and I went out today. When we came back we drove to check on the dock. We didn't see it and thought it was gone. It must have been wishful thinking and poor vision. The article stands, as to the thoughts on the entire mess.
Yes, the old dock is gone. Well, at least from the place it has stood for over three months. Hopefully it has truly left Wedgefield. Sound skeptical? It shouldn't if you have followed this saga. Nothing happened as it should, according to what your board had voted to do at the board table. In the end it removed trust. Trust that your board will keep their word, their own motions at the board table. In fact, there may be a bigger question as to the integrity of many on this board.
Improvement is usually welcomed in any setting. In our homes we evaluate what we have. Does the item really need to be replaced because it has exhausted useful life? Is it a cosmetic decision and we just want a new updated look?
When the Water Amenities Committee brought the motion to the table to remove the old dock, some on the board questioned whether it could be repaired. Initially, the committee chair told us that it couldn't. He suggested that it might be used for recreation projects in the canals. When pushed, it was stated that it definitely couldn't be repaired. It was to be pulled up onto the landing and cut up. We all know what happened. The actions of this committee and some on the board, beg the question as to whether we were deceived. It is entirely possible, even probable that the committee just wanted the old dock replaced to match the new dock built at the end of 2012. Would that have been so bad? No! We should be able to believe that our board will level with us. If they wanted to replace the aging dock for cosmetic purposes, they should have laid it out that way on the board table. They may, or may not, have received approval, but their integrity would have been intact. Instead, we were left with high jinks!