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Sunday, April 27, 2014


During his Drainage Report, DeMarchi discussed problems regarding the project at the end of a canal on Wedgefield Road.  He moved on and said the homeowners adjacent to the project would like to put in some plants near the WPA common ground area.  He suggested that the WPA pay half of the total expense.  It sounds as though there would be plantings on both sides of the property line.  The resident was willing to plant the items and maintain all of them.  The total cost of the plantings was estimated to be $250.00.  The WPA would pay half.  He brings a motion to the table.  It is seconded by John Walton.  The board moves to discussion.

Go to the tape of the meeting and listen to the Drainage Report yourself.  Cline says that while it sounds reasonable, and they (resident) should have a say as to the plantings, that she feels the WPA should be responsible, should pay, and put the plantings on the WPA property line.  She clearly states that the WPA should take responsibility.  She goes on to say something about these residents are responsible people, but what if they sell their property?

Legal Chair Garrison, says it is a nice idea but a lousy precedent, and could create more problems then it solves.  He also reiterates that his comments are not intended to slam the residents, that they are good people.

It was put to a vote and DeMarchi was the only board member who voted yes.  The motion failed.

Secretary Cline, and Legal Chair Garrison, brought critical discussion to the board table.  It was a matter of common sense, but more important, legal and ethical.  The area around the new bulk head is common ground.  The WPA is responsible for maintaining it.