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Friday, April 17, 2015


The Wedgefield Examiner, over time, has had declarations, from, and outside the board table, that no one reads The Wedgefield Examiner.  I've had board member, DeMarchi, call it "trash", at the end of a board meeting.  A resident, tied to the board, sitting with Concerned Citizens, who rallied around a website they developed (in the past and still exists), claimed the blog, was harming property values.  Yet, he had his Concerned Citizen team, cheering him on. Board member, McMillin, claimed in a writing to the Georgetown Times, that his family was offended, by what the blogger wrote (The Wedgefield Examiner), about him, and rationalized that that is why his family member made the disgusting HUGE SIGN, with my address on it, that he hung on his house.  How would anyone know, if no one, especially board members read it?  Why, if the board, doesn't read it, did I get a letter from the office this month, regarding an article that I had written, if they don't read it?  Why is this board, so concerned about it, that individual board members, keep speaking out, and acting on it, if no one reads it?

I attend meetings, listen to and transcribe their very own meeting tapes, AND ALWAYS refer you to the tapes to listen to their own MISGUIDED, SELF PROMOTING (AT TIMES), WORDS.  Trust me, in my humble opinion, if I violated truth, they'd have their hand picked attorney, on my door step.  These words, are my words, and do not reflect the opinion of the letter writer.  He/she, has their own question and opinion.  I've removed, as always, the identity of the writer.  If you are skeptical, it is not as McMillin, once claimed, my friend, JD, who he claimed, couldn't get over the dredging.  My claim is, that this board, it could appear, can't get over themselves, and their own words.  

As you read the resident letter, you may note that your board often leaves numbers out.  The board has their own stream of communications, where they could validate their options, and in the case of the Wedgefield Wragg (every member receives it), they  could provide you, critical numerical information.  For instance why, when you review the Wragg, didn't the Drainage Report, which discussed The Pond Project, tell us how much of our money, the board spent on it?  Why weren't we told how much the new landscaping vendor, was contracted for, in the Grounds Report?  Why, when 2015 assessments were discussed in the Treasurer's Report, weren't we told the total amount outstanding?  Why, when we were provided a Legal Report, that discusses what will happen to us, if we don't pay our assessments on time, weren't we updated with what is happening with the lawsuit against the canal lot owner, who refused to pay their dredging assessment, and YOUR BOARD VOTED TO SETTLE IT, AFTER GREAT LEGAL EXPENSE, AND HAVEN'T REPORTED THE TOTAL COST, OR THE FINAL SETTLEMENT?  Forget about numbers in the Wragg for a minute.  Your board, failed to post the proposed changes to the policy manual, immediately following first reading, during the MARCH meeting.  We, as residents, are suppose to have them published, in a timely manner on the WPA website, following first reading, so that we can write and comment, before they vote, at the following meeting.  Since the board failed to do that, wouldn't you think that they would have taken the time, first, to publish a COMPLIANCE REPORT (They didn't publish one.), and use the one vehicle - the Wragg, that every resident receives, to post the proposed changes?????  That failure, could appear to be just more of their cover up.   Here is the resident letter.


Madeline Claveloux 
Subject:Re: the challenge that no one reads your Blog?
Priority:NormalDate:Wednesday, April 8, 2015 6:47 PMSize:4 KB
Hi Madeline
I suggest you ask the WPA “Very Important People” (VIP) 
how many people access the WPA website monthly for any 
And how many those members access the “passworded” areas.
I asked long ago, if there was a counter (internal or external) 
and none existed! 
Dave Hastings said “NO” at that time. And I still believe that 
is still the case.
Nor do we know how many people uses the Marina!  Same 
situation, no counter!
We do know that 12 children showed up at the recent Easter egg 