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Wednesday, April 20, 2016


The Wedgefield Examiner attended the April WPA Board meeting.  It lasted above 50 minutes.  All nine board members were present. Eight, yes eight, residents attended the meeting.  The Wedgefield Examiner will provide more detailed articles over the next week, or so.  In the mean time, listen to the tape of the meeting at The Wedgefield Times to verify information for yourself.  Quite frankly, the April Wragg was more interesting than the meeting.

Your board continues to be quite snarky about the issues presented by residents.  More to follow.

Secretary Cline, reminded us that we can bring documents to the office for shredding.  We can't get the board to spend a dime on making this place look better, hold residents to the maintenance required in our governing documents, but our fatherly board will provide 40 pounds of free document shredding.

We've hired the same CPA who does our monthly accounting to perform the 2015 audit.  More to follow.

Grounds Chair McMillin, stated that he was concerned about a resident's use of the office for a political event, and the fact that it was published in the Wragg.  More to follow.

Legal Chair Garrison, announced that the two lots that the association gained in the collection process over a year ago, are tied up by a bank that holds the mortgage on a home valued at over $300,000.  More to follow, but wouldn't inquiring minds ask how come it took our attorney this long to find that out?  Remember, that same attorney ran the auction that the association bought the lots at.  We were told that same attorney might have some interest in buying at least one of the lots, and the board hadn't told residents how they would proceed to selling the lots.  More of "as the legal business of Wedgefield churns."

Stay tuned!