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Friday, October 20, 2017


Do you have information, or an opinion - agree, or not, you can email The Wedgefield Examiner at  We'll remove your name to protect the innocent, and publish it.  P.S.  If you would like your name published, please note that on your email, otherwise we leave your name out.

Before I begin, I have to make two statements.  One of them, I won't respond to, if asked questions.  I have served as a member of the Candidate Night Committee.  I did not call a group of people together to form a committee, I was invited to a meeting, and agreed to work in the background, so as to avoid contaminating an honest effort.  I was asked, because I had been involved with another candidate meeting a few years ago.  I helped the committee wherever I could in providing the outline of the last successful event.  Any decisions regarding the evening's structure were made by a committee.  I did a lot of leg work, and it was always my intention to take an obscure seat the night of the event, which I did.  I've played a good neutral role, and worked to help establish a fair to resident, and fair to candidate meeting.  Working with this committee was great.

The statement that I won't respond to follows.  I have agreed not to write about one of the candidates, in regard to what he or she said, on this Candidate Night. I will not even write the candidate's name in the article. My article will be on the event, and not directly about any one candidate. That is only fair to the other three candidates.  After this article, it is back to business, on all other board meetings, votes, etc.  Quite frankly, I am ashamed of myself for making that commitment.  It taints what I do.  For those of you who think I did it because I was afraid of anyone, I'm not.  I do what I do because this is where I live, and I am offended by the disrespect of our board, and often their failure to uphold, or even consider our governing documents, and their retaliation against those who call them on it.  You often may not agree with my comments, but before comment is made I provide you with the exact words of the board, or board member noted, and make my point with quotes from the governing documents, minutes, records, etc.  I've been writing on the blog since 2011, and before on another website.  I go to all the trouble of the writing, with researched back up, because other wise I could be sued.  You are always welcome to write the blog, and I will publish your words, agree, or not.