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Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Do you have information, or an opinion - agree, or not, you can email The Wedgefield Examiner at  We'll remove your name to protect the innocent, and publish it *.  P.S.  If you would like your name published, please note that on your email, otherwise we leave your name out.
HERE'S THE ANNOUNCEMENT AS POSTED ON THE WPA WEBSITE -Note:  The Wedgefield Examiner's Comments Are Provided Immediately Following The Announcement

2018 Board
Jacky Walton, President
Bob Garrison, Vice President
Larry McMillin, Secretary
Peggy Phillips, Treasurer
2018 Committee Assignments
ARC - Keith Johnson
Legal - Bob Garrison
Finance - Peggy Phillips
Communications - Larry McMillin
Community Liason - Adam Anderson
Welcome Committee - Butch Williams
Drainage - Steve Vasey
Water Amenities - John Walton
Condo Liason - Steve Vasey
Roads - Adam Anderson
Grounds - Larry McMillin
Compliance - Butch Williams

First, a congrats to the board members, voted in by their peers, as officers of the board!  

Second, a big thank you to President Walton, for appointing a new member of the board, Butch Williams, as Compliance Chair.  It appears, not just to me, but others, a sound move to split the previously "conflict of function", of having the same board member serve as both legal chair, and compliance chair.  Butch Williams received the highest number of votes, and he appears to have won the confidence of our community, by his demonstrated ability to identify a problem - at the time the unsightly golf course, publicly make his concern known, develop a plan to correct openly with discussion of his ideas, promote and fund a plan that helps the concerns of many, and draw people in to help, and recognizes their contributions of time, money, and action to help everyone.  The appointment as chair of compliance was a great move by our president.

Butch,as the case in most situations in life, there is good news, and a lot of responsibility attached to a new title.  I believe that your Wedgefield community knows that you are up to the job.  We are sure that you've spent time with the governing documents, and are prepared to independently form an opinion on the issues of the committee as items are brought to the table.  Your next challenge will be to bring a list of potential candidates to serve on your committee.  There is hope, in your demonstrated ability on the golf course mowing, that you will include and assemble a group of fresh people in the community, who have demonstrated to the community that they have attended board meetings, researched our governing documents, and will help you, as a committee chair, and a independent board member, represent our community.  Thanks so much for giving of your time and energy to our community.

Again, there is good news, and not bad news, but a question already lays on the table of your committee.  During our 2017 WPA annual meeting I brought a public question to the table.  I explained that the answer probably resided in the legal or compliance committee.  I stated that the board as a whole, and each board member individually, had failed over a substantial period of time, to follow a by-law that the residents voted in several years ago, and voted for numerous changes to the policy manual, without posting the proposed changes to the policy manual on the WPA website, between first and second readings, for resident review and comment, before a vote of the board at second reading.  Additionally, I asked the board if they would be rescinding all of those changes to the policy manual, until they did the right thing, as required by the by-law.  The answer from the board table was that they would consider it.  Twice during my time at the annual meeting, I was approached by a board officer, and told that that officer "didn't 
realize that".  The second time on that day, the board officer, told me that he/she would contact me after the meeting to discuss this.  So far no call has come my way to meet.  I won't take time to prove the violation in this writing that the board has failed to follow the approved resident by-law.  The board you now sit on has failed.  The public promise of "we will consider it", brings the first assignment to you as a board member, and for sure your new committee.  I look forward to the January meeting, and know the question resides in good hands.

Again, congrats to every newly elected member of the board.