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Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Do you have information, or an opinion - agree, or not, you can email The Wedgefield Examiner at  We'll remove your name to protect the innocent, and publish it.  P.S.  If you would like your name published, please note that on your email, otherwise we leave your name out.
Before you read the resident letter, keep in mind a few other things.  I believe there were 4, or 5 secretaries in the three years.  Worst thought - they have all been working with entries into our financial reports.  In the least, inconsistency. PS:  150 people have already checked the blog this morning.  These readers are probably looking for a report on last night's CANAL LOT OWNERS MEETING.  I am right smack in the middle of filing legal reports in CT.  I have plenty to say about the meeting, and will get the report up in the next 24 to 48 hours.

Board President, Jacky Walton, has called an open board meeting for Friday March 9th at 7 pm.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the hiring of a replacement for the office clerk.
This will be brief and only item on the agenda.
This is the posting on the HOA website.... Let's think about this.... 3 secretaries in 3 years (or less), Kathy, Linda, and Lee.   Why is it so hard for the HOA to keep an office clerk?   It's the perfect job for someone wanting to work good hours and a part time job in a nice residential setting with views of live oaks... AND with Fridays off.  The pay is in line with most part time jobs and the commute is not bad for anyone who lives in the area.     

Some things the board may want discuss during their Friday meeting:

Just from observations.   Despite what Peggy Phillips and Larry McMillan say about their position on the board being a volunteer job, they sure put in a lot of hours and days at that office..... which makes me wonder... "micromanagement?"     

Do the residents of Wedgefield really need to pay another clerk when Peggy and Larry are holding down the fort?    

Or perhaps we should hire an office "manager" not another clerk?     Someone with absolutely no connections to the board or residents who can look at things objectively and not feel as if their position is lower than "volunteer" staff?   Perhaps someone canvassed by a staffing agency?

COMMENT:  This board can't keep a secretary.  Remember, this person also does financial entry, and our accounting mess continues down the same path as it has for years.  December 2017 the board treasurer was going to look into hiring an accountant.  January  & February 2018 - whoops no real report on that.  Take a little look at history.

Here is where some of the answers, inadvertently, start coming.  Treasurer, Demarchi, reports that the bookkeeper has left, and he is trying to find another. DeMarchi says the former bookkeeper (?????) left because she was upset that she couldn't use a 5 year old program, and the WPA had gotten a new one. He lists some of the things that the new person would need to do.  He has a quote in a envelope for $600/mo., but wants to table it because the CPA (believe that we use for the audit) is in Europe, and he'd like to wait for a schedule of his fees.  Garrison jumps in and asks him what he is waiting for?  He states that this guy bid once, then renigged on the bid.  Garrison said that we have been without the bookkeeper (position to be filled?????), for "MONTHS AND MONTHS".  At another point Garrison says, "I don't want to wait.  It has been long enough, fooling around with this."  Still later, Garrison speaks about integrity, protection to board and Kathy, in having these services performed.  Cline says we need to do the right thing.  Later, Garrison suggests that DeMarchi call the board to a meeting BEFORE the next meeting, to get this done.