During a meeting within the last year, as bids on another project were being considered, President Walton reported that a bidder had sought information unscrupulously and that such behavior, if reported to the LLR, could result in a fine, or more if proven. Additionally, during our last road repair fiasco, a resident turned the road contractor into the LLR, and the contractor was sanctioned after an investigation.
Consider the fact that our President bid, obviously knowing he had signed the Conflict of Interest Statement. He began with "unclean hands". Additionally, as President, bidding on a project when he has intimate, first hand knowledge of the building to be repaired, budget, etc., he has unfair advantage, etc.
Why can't we trust that if our President didn't act in good faith, the rest of the board would have? In my humble opinion, they haven't demonstrated that ability in the past. You'll note that it took the action of a resident in the road complaint to the LLR, that your board failed to take. Walton was on that board and voted to contract with the contractor, despite, calls of ridiculous judgment at the board table.
This board can appear to answer to no one, and cover for each other. If you proceed your complaint should be against Walton. While many on the board who have failed to acknowledge the very document they signed, hold various licenses, you may not be able to make complaints against them.
The Wedgefield Examiner has transcribed portions of the minutes from the meeting where your board harassed the questioning board member, and voted to give Walton the contract. You can find the transcription by going to the bottom of the blog, 2013, and selecting Tuesday, October 29, 2013 - "Conflict of Interest - Lack of Common Sense & Ethics - The Gate House Fix" In all cases, go to the WPA website and review the tape of the meeting.
Your board counts on you remaining mute. I am aware of at least one resident who will be filing a complaint.