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Tuesday, October 25, 2011



I wish I could install timers on resident's correspondence, to track the time elapsed to the point of receiving an answer from the Board.  I haven't read about "a clock to never".  This resident addresses serious issues.  Will the Board answer?

The email is published with the permission of the writer.

Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 10:36 AM
Subject: For distribution and the correspondence file

Although it would be appropriate for at least an acknowledgement of my correspondence let alone a true response, I have not received one in six months so I do not hold out much hope.
I would like to remind the entire Board, in particular Johnny as Secretary and George as President that the sign outside was never put up and the agenda was not posted.
Tuesday nights' meeting was fairly blah until new business. I understand the need for review and change to the delinquency policy.  I still believe that waiting until a property is $2500 in arrears before starting foreclosure is too late, but this is the Board's decision.
Fred Thomas' motions were convoluted and not well thought out.  It would help the residents, and I think the Board, if you ,George, would repeat Fred's motions before you vote on them.  His first motion was complex and I'm not sure if I understood all of it.  Is it possible to get a copy of this motion e-mailed to me?  I believe that the Board is asking the attorney to investigate claims against the bank and the insurance company.  Did Fred, in this same motion, want the attorney to negotiate with the bank?  Did I hear that this same attorney has advised the WPA to withhold payments on the loan to the bank?  I believe that George called this "pausing" the loan payments.  This opinion, to break a legally binding contract, from the attorney SHOULD be in writing.  If not, I hope that the Board members who approve this act are willing to assume personal liability.  This passed 5-2.  Do we have a signed letter of engagement from Mr. Moody? 
Fred's second motion under new business involved "secret' meetings.  He believes that the discussion held at meetings about issues should not be heard by the residents.  I thought I heard him say that the Board should have a united front!  I couldn't disagree more!  It is important for the residents to hear discussion and to know how the Board votes.  This idea of secret meetings goes back to the days of Carol Zieske and Ron Piskawitch.  Remember the executive session (illegal) where the Board voted to build the office and to disband the Canal Committee?  Remember the litigation that followed!  I believe this motion failed.
Finally, we come to the crucifixion of John McBride!  How dare you all, with the exception of Larry, sit there and allow Fred to present gossip and innuendo.  This is not the first time that Fred has mislead the Board by making statements of fact that he could not prove.  For two years, Johnny and Ruth were dropped from the lawsuit.  For one year, everyone was dropped except for me and Karl.  Carol Zieske even told the Board that she had the documents to prove this!  In fact, as late as October 3, EVERYONE originally sued was still on the lawsuit! 
In a further attempt at slander and dirty politics, Fred brings up an incident that is at least five years old.  If there was impropriety at that time, it was up to that Board to pursue it.  Fred, also,claims that the paving contractor was chased off the Plantation by John McBride.  Get real.  Johnny and George hired an unlicensed contractor The Association is presently under investigation by the State Bureau of Licensing.
Finally, Fred brings to the table a single page of the permit for dredging.  Please remember, the Canal Committee was started and approved by the Board in 2001.  At that time, three Board members--Ed Wozniak, Paul Hogan, and Dan Longhi--were the charter members.  At various times in the long, eight year $168,000 process, committee members and committee chairs changed.  John was chairman off and on.  Once again, the efforts of the Canal Committee were funded totally by private contributions.  Read the WRAGG, read back minutes, keep yourselves informed.  Ask George why he was asked to resign after he was successful in disbanding, for one month, the Canal Committee.  In 2008, at an illegal meeting, the Board, with Carol Z. and Ron P. in attendance, disbanded the Canal Committee once again.  Efforts to resolve this failed, we went to court, and Judge Baxley chastised the Board, said they did the wrong thing, and reinstated the Committee.   It is interesting to note, that the permit and other information regarding the dredging has been on the WPA website since 2009!
Fortunately, calmer, more adult, heads prevailed, and this motion was defeated.  Fred is using his nebulous position on the Board to discredit a candidate in the same election in which he is a candidate.  Is this ethical?
Judith Davis