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Thursday, February 9, 2012



Did you take time to read the January 2012 edition of the Wedgefield Wragg?  It was a great improvement over the editions of the last 1-2 years.  It was filled with reports from our officers, and committee chairs. Serving as editor, is a difficult job.  You set advance deadlines and remind Board and committee chairs that you need the information, and then remind them again.  It can be like pulling teeth.  Jackie got the job done and through the reports residents are able to get a snap shot of what is happening in the association.  We have property owners who can't attend the meetings, or live a a distance and this keeps them in the loop.  Thank you Jackie Walters.


Our Board and Committee Chairs met the challenge and wrote reports that provided concrete information on a number of the action items of their committees.  Our Board Members are residents like the rest of us, with lives, families, work, etc.   They deserve a thanks for their efforts to keep us informed.  Thank you Board!

President Walton reported that each of the Board Members had signed the following Code of Ethics:  "Directors shall act wih scrupulous good faith and candor.  They will avoid even the perception of conflict of interest, favoritism, and acting out of self interest.  Directors shall uphold and safeguard the Bylaws, Conditions, Restritions and Policies governing Wedgefield Plantation Association."   This is a great start and an effort on the part of Walton for several months.  Congrats to Walton for getting the job done.  Do you realize that he gave a job to you at the same time?  As residents, we also serve as watchdogs for our association.  We should attend as many meetings as possible, read our Wedgefield Wragg, follow the reports and minutes on the WPA website, and write the Board if we feel that they have violated the Code of Ethics.   


I believe I saw a first, in the history of the Wragg during the eight years I have lived here. The following is a quote from the ARC Report in the January 2012 Wragg.  "On August 31, 2011 the ARC sent a letter notifying (THEY NAMED THE RESIDENT. I WON'T.) of ARC vilations.  To date no response has been received regarding correction of the violations or payment of the fines.  The fees and fines have now reached $5,050.  It is the recommendation of the ARC to have legal contact with Mr. Richard Smith of McNair Law Firm to place a lien or any other action available to the WPA against the property at (THEY GAVE THE ADDRESS.  I WON'T.)." 

Publishing the name and address and a resident's financial information is a real concern.  First, I haven't observed it before.  Why this resident?  We should know about the issue but there are ways to handle it without this kind of exposure.  Are we going to publish every property owner's name who is in arrears, has violations, or liens?   I haven't seen it.

During the January Board Meeting a confdentiality statement was read, as first reading, to be voted on at the February Board Meeting.  It was published on the WPA website.  (A new by-law was passed at the 2011 Annual Meeting requiring a reading of a proposed addition or change to the Pollicy Manual at a meeting, with publication on the WPA website, and a reading and vote at a second meeting.)   Here is the Confidentiality Agreement:

Confidentiality Agreement Wedgefield Plantation Association has policies and procedures regarding confidentiality of information from inappropriate and/or unlawful disclosure. When data is collected and aggregated, individual member confidentiality is protected. All staff and volunteers(board and committee) agree in writing to maintain member confidentiality. Information concerning member status, and financial and other personal information is processed for each individual member through Wedgefield Plantation Association office and is an important part of Wedgefield Plantation Association business.
I understand that any member information to which I have access, through verbal knowledge, access to records or through attendance at board meeting is privileged and shall be held in strict confidence. Member information will only be shared with appropriate Wedgefield Plantation Association personnel. Board/Staff


 If this was a mistake, it wasn't Jackie Walters error as editor.  I served as editor for over 3 years.  You finally get the reports, set a draft, and the Board Members review and approve.  I believe this is a confidentiality problem and it rests on the shoulders of the entire Board.

Residents read the information provided by the Board as suggested above.  If you feel they are violating our governing documents or their word, write and tell them.

Do you have a comment?  Send it to:  Be sure and note whether you want your name attached to your comments.  PLEASE NOTE:  PUT YOUR COMMENTS IN WRITING, DON'T CALL MY HOME!