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Friday, February 24, 2012


The topic of Morabit's presentation was, "A Plea for WPA Unification."  We all know the phrase "a wolf in sheeps' clothing".  That's how this presentation should have been titled. 

I've transcribed Morabit's presentation to the best of my ability.  I encourage you to read through and then go to the tape on the Wedgefield Times.  Morabit's comments will be provided in blue and mine will be in black.



My name is Vince Morabit.  I live at 843 Wraggs Ferry, #104.  I'm a part time resident.  I own five properties.  I've owned property since 1983.  I love Wedgefield.  It is a beautiful place.

The subject of my presentation is "An Appeal For Unification."  As a part time resident I feel the real tensions and strain here.  I have great concern for my property values.  We are know as a hostile place.

I have no ax to grind.  I have spoken in opposition of the canal dredging allocations back awhile ago.  Right now I 'm speaking for the unification of Wedgefield.  I plead with the Board to have this occur.  Somebody needs to break the ice.  I know that you're trying and I know that it is a difficult issue for everybody to deal with.  We are divided.  We are not cohesive at Wedgefield.

My plea is to unify and it is very simple.  This is a beautiful place and it is worthwhile fighting for.  Everybody, let's speak to our hurt to this community.  We don't want it to be destroyed.  I don't think there is any person in this room that wants to hurt Wedgefield.  There are common interests.  We are all good people.  Enough is enough.  Reconcile.  We've got to get to this point.

Clearly there have been damages from inside these gates, more so from outsiders.  I'll get to that in a little bit.  Specifically, bad lawyers and bank performance that we depended upon.  You folks and our worthy board were fundamentally the key instrument to our unity.  Without the Board's ethics we would all have to fight for our rights in the courts.  That's not good.  There has been too much of that.

Here comes the wolf, disguised with compliments first.

Jacky's front page of the Wedgefield Wragg is a golden thing. It deals with section 4, a Board Code of Ethics.  I think it was a timely point.  Damage to this Board's credibility has occurred and we all need to rebuild it.  I am so pleased and impressed that you are already asking good, real questions about illegalities of dredging assessments and related property liens.  While we have not seen the advice from counsel, I truly believe dredging assessments will be deemed illegal.  This is a very important now for the future.  I'm not wanting to look back.  I'm looking to the future.

No one here is focused here to harm anybody personally.  I know there have been a lot of threats that have gone about.... (can't catch the word) but no body is intending to hurt any body legally or what so ever.  My message is simple.  Look forward as a cohesive group and not back as one that is divided.  Both sides of the dredging issue join in to repair these Wedgefield...(can't hear the word).  We are people, and we need to respect each other.  We want to get back to the harmony we once had.  We don't want any internal lawsuits.  They can only happen with your Board's ethical and uncompromising force of leadership for the common good.  Bring us together as a cohesive unit.  Many are here to come forward.  I believe we can see this happen.

As a start and as a central theme and a central focus, there is a scenario we can all mutually work on.  Wedgefield people here suffered a great hardship and damages since June of 09 and they remain divided.  Who would argue against what is good for Wedgefield?  The central issue is canal dredging cost assessments.  Are they legal or illegal?  Whether you agree or not, there would be no injury to Wedgefield or damage to Wedgefield.   Note:  Morabit is interrupted by the Board and told to wrap it up, as there is a 5 minute time limit.    He begins again. My point is that Attorney Winslow and the bank have incurred great damage to Wedgefield.  I'm asking for this Board to take action, to create legal action against the Bell Law Firm and also the bank to recover funds and to have these put into the community coffers to then use that and distribute them to the community.  The Board informs him that his time is up.  He requests more time.  It is denied and he says he'll leave a copy of his full report.



I've just patted myself on the back for typing Morabit's comments, without interjecting my humble thoughts.  I exercised patience but it was extremely painful!  I have little patience with people who treat others as though they didn't have a functioning brain.  Didn't Mr. Morabit figure out that we would know the first half of his talk was a snow job.  He thought he'd lead us down the garden path talking about peace, harmony, unity, we're all such good people, we love Wedgefield, etc.  I wasn't fooled by the topic or his talk.

Finally, almost before he runs out of time, he says let's not sue each other.  We love each other.  Let's use WPA money and sue the bank and the Bell Legal Firm.  This will be good for all of us!  I think not.  This would be good for the people who brought a lawsuit, dragged it out harming former Board Members with their malicious accusations, and when the going got tough, whimped out and settled.  Now they want peace and harmony in the world according to them.  They want to sue "outside of the gates".  I believe their motives continue to be inside the gates, but they want it at your expense.  I believe that they are so hell bent on seeing that no one ever mentions the words - Wedgefield canals, that they will try and drag this out in any way they can think of.  This time they won't pay.  They want us all to pay.  They are testing our Board.  Will they win?

Do they even know what they started when they sued the Board and the individual Board Members, on behalf of Wedgefield (How arrogant, did they ask you if they could represent you?)? What did they settle? What limitations have they put on all of us, including their co-conspirators?  The lawsuit was dismissed with prejudice. Jude Davis described it best in a previous article, "A dismissal with prejudice is dismissal of a case on merits after adjudication.  The plaintiff is barred from bringing an action on the same claim.  Dismissal with prejudice is a final judgement.  Since Carol, Fred and George brought this case 'on behalf of Wedgefield Plantation Association,' this means that all members of WPA are barred from bringing any other suit using the information presented in this case.  This dismissal precludes additional supplemental lawsuits."  Once again here is the critical part of the order:  "The Defendants specifically deny any wrongdoing associated with the votes for the dredging of the canals and the collection of assessments from the members of the Wedgefield Plantation Association and for any other acts allegedly performed by these defendants and moe fully described in the complaint and, therefore, this Order, in no way, finds or establishes any such wrongdoing by the Defendants." 

As a resident I would like to get past this business.  I'd like it to end.  I'd like to believe the Board would like it to end.  I am concerned today.  I'm concerned because our Board even allowed Garrison to take this question to the latest Board Attorney.  I'm concerned because we got that attorney through lawyer shopping.  We have had 4 attorneys since July of 20l0.  Now we have Garrison as Legal Chair.  He isn't singing "let there be peace".  He isn't even pretending.  He names co-author of keep your canal assessments in an escrow account, Bob Nichols, to his legal committee and your Board approves.  Will this Board have the guts to say - enough?   Will they finally say we have too many lawyers' hands in the pot?  Will they say that they have to follow the attorney of record's advice?   I hope not, because there has been too much lawyer shopping and any time they didn't like the attorney's advice they shopped for a new one. 

This Board has a real challenge.  Will they meet it, continue to pay the latest attorney of record to answer questions, after a court has issued an order?  We will see, but remember there are members of the band called "Let There Be Peace", who have been playing too long, and have their own conductors.  Garrison appears to be their agent.  Will he sell the band and their brand to the full Board?  Will our Board let this nonsense continue under the disguise of peace and harmony?  Will our Board sue the bank and the Bell Legal Firm?  We'll see.

As residents we all have right to write the Board and ask to speak.  Morabit wasn't up front about his true topic.  He was just the most recent singer and his groupies were in attendance to listen.  When the meeting was concluded and residents were allowed to speak one of the Concerned Citizens critized the Board for not allowing more time for Morabit. 

Stay tuned, sometimes when peace is presented by a wolf in sheeps' clothing, you get bitten.

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