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Wednesday, May 14, 2014


The thought of your board allowing McMillin to re-do the office parking lot is so ridiculous, I delayed writing about it.  The thought, idea, apparently developed "out of the blue", by McMillin.  It has been rumored that he often says that he needs another project.  If true, does that mean the residents of Wedgefield have to pay for what he creates as his next project?  I hope not.  This board is always busy "moving on", as they have sometimes written in correspondence.  Why your board has allowed McMillin to take their stated valuable time at three meetings with this, is beyond comprehension.

There is no need, or reason to spend any amount of time considering this, let alone voting for it.  Drive by the office any time of the day.  Usually, there is only one or two cars.  Usually, they are board member cars.  Consider that the Correspondence file has been reviewed, prior to this even coming to the board table, and not one person, has written to complain, or express concern.  Even if one had, how many does it take for the board to determine they will consider spending our association funds on it?  The only individual in this entire association that has mentioned it, is board member De Marchi's spouse, and that was only after Mc Millin brought his idea to the board table. 

McMillin was responsible for bids, and parking lot development, in 2009.  He did a great job securing bids and working with local government authorities.  He wants a re-do now?  Will the sponsorship of a board member's spouse be enough to swing a vote at the board table, if it comes to that?  It shouldn't, but stranger things have happened at this board table.

In the mean time, if McMillin does want a project, he should take care of the one he has.  He isn't - grounds.  If he is concerned for the safety of the Wedgefield population, perhaps he could get some movement on the pot hole near the front gate.

Will six residents who want to play board and card games at the WPA office, take priority, over our property values?  Items such as revamping the parking lot, appear to over ride concern for safety and PROPERTY VALUES.  We are living with this every day.  If your home is for sale, your potential home buyers get these views, every time they come in here.