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Thursday, May 22, 2014


There is a article on the blog dated May 28, 2013, regarding knee high grass in vacant lots, that the owner has contracted through the WPA, for a fee, to maintain.  Yes, a full year ago we had these problems because your board delayed approving a grounds maintenance contract.  I don't have the time or the patience to relate why.  It is on the blog, a number of times.  Once again it is May a year later, and their delays, Mc Millin's ridiculous math regarding what to charge and how many mowings should be included in the price, have brought us back to knee high grass again.
The problems caused by this are numerous.  The knee high plus growth is weeds that are beginning to seed into my adjoining flower beds.  Gallons of weed killer have been used to try and contain the problem.  There has been an infestation of snakes as pictured above, coming out of the over growth.  It must be a great place for them to thrive.
I'm not trying to tell you the gator that is resting on our bulk head in the picture, grew up in the overgrowth.  The gator has gotten out of the water in the vacant lots next to me.  When he lies in the grass, you don't notice him.  There are a number of local residents who walk their dogs, right or wrong, on those lots.  We are on the look out, but those who are unaware, may lose their pet.
I'll listen to the Grounds report, but to date the situation just gets worse.  NOTE:   Remember the Gate House Fix?  Your board contracted in  October 2013 with our President's business, after signing a conflict of interest.  In the end, (certainly not), the Board Attorney of Record advised them that they had broken the very agreement each and every one of them signed.  Your President pulled his company's contract (not a contract by any one else's standards), and he was reimbursed for the materials he bought.  It was stated at the board table that the new contractor the board would seek would have to use the materials our President's business purchased.  Like the mowing situation, nothing has been done to move the project of the gate house fix forward.  Yet, despite inconvenience to others, your board got the Compliance Committee busy on making recommendations to change the conflict of interest in the policy manual.  Could it be the gate house hasn't been completed because they want to hire the President's firm again?  When they  want something, it is a priority.  When residents face these kind of property violations, not so quick to act.