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Thursday, June 26, 2014


This is just a great real life story about a Wedgefield family, their heart breaking problem, and their hero - Great Lawns of Georgetown.  I'm not going to identify the resident family, as I heard about it from one of their resident friends.  The husband and wife resident family have dogs, some adopted, one blind.  It seems that one recent evening, the blind dog got out.  Our residents were very upset.  One of them has a mobility disability.  After it was noted that the blind dog had gotten out, they did whatever any of us would have done for a cherished animal family member, and they both went out to search.  They feared the dog, a Lab mix, had gotten into the canals.  By midnight they hadn't located their dog.  They went home, got up early, and began their search again.  They talked to anyone they saw, asking about the dog.  No one had seen the dog.  As they went on with their search they encountered the workers from Great Lawns of Georgetown, and asked them if they had seen the dog.  They hadn't, but they would keep a look out for the dog.  They did.  Our residents received a call from Great Lawns of Georgetown.   They had the dog.  When the residents and dog were reunited, the story unfolded.  The dog had been in the canals for 15 hours, was grasping as only our four footed friends can, to a dock structure. Members of the Georgetown Great Lawns crew, went into the water to get the fatigued, in shock, dog out.  Now what could be better than a positive outcome like this, provided by a Wedgefield Plantation Association vendor?  I'm sure the family will never forget what they did.