I'm pleased to announce that the residents who asked me to arrange a resident meeting, scheduled on November 10th, reached their registration goal on on October 25th. I've been on vacation, but I'm back, and organized to take an additional 15
people. If you are interested, email: mclaveloux@sc.rr.com, or call 843-546-2355.
DATE: November 10
TIME: 7:00 PM
PLACE: WPA Office - Meeting Room
Wedgefield residents, this event is not a project of The Wedgefield Examiner. It is being promoted on the blog, as a means of getting the word out. As a active member of the association, I have been asked to help facilitate setting it up, by a number of residents who want the opportunity to discuss how members can move forward in a positive, unified, group whether you live on the golf course, canals, or in the condo area to outline positive outcomes for Wedgefield.
Your cost of admittance?
* Come with a positive, inclusive attitude, prepared to discuss what you want to maintain in Wedgefield's future.
*Be prepared to listen to others, who may have a different picture for Wedgefield's future.
*Be prepared to offer suggestions as to how we might meet the goals that begin to be outlined, as we move through the outline process.
*If you feel you must bring up something from the past, prepare yourself to discuss it in positive terms, as a lesson to be considered as we move forward, rather than presented as a fault, and to lay blame.
*Prepare yourself to volunteer to work with people - neighbors in the association, that you might not have worked with in the past, regardless of prior allegiances. We are preparing to move forward as unified neighbors for Wedgefield.
*Understand, that there won't be platform speakers pushing a certain view. In fact, everyone, one at a time, in organized fashion, will have the opportunity to speak, and help us move forward.
*Understand, that this isn't a discussion about the board. In fact, they are welcome to attend in the role of a general member of the association.
*No one may speak about the upcoming election. This is our opportunity to meet, and discuss our goals for Wedgefield's future.
In general, it is time that we speak openly to our neighbors, and hear each other. Anyone who wishes to speak, and we encourage it, will be provided a "timed" opportunity, so that there is time for everyone to have a voice.
Please share this event with your neighbors.