Yesterday, The Wedgefield Examiner received an email posting from a resident who took the job descriptions of the WPA president, and vice president, and compared them to those officer's performances. I think the resident did a great job, and hopefully made each of us think about what is happening in Wedgefield.
While I was reading that email, it made me think about the comparisons - governing document requirements, as compared to the recent $7,950 expense to remove trees on private canal lots. One item popped out at me from the governing document requirements noted in the article titled "YOUR BOARD'S SLIMY TREE CUTTING ON PRIVATE CANAL LOT", published on June 29, 2017, on the blog. Here it is:
"It is essential that a paper trail be developed for each step in the project so the Board Audit Committee can review these expenditures and work performance at year end. "
There is NO Audit Committee. In the past, when someone asked about it, it was explained that what we have is a Compliance Committee. That is not reassuring! Why? Your WPA president has appointed his vice president CHAIR of Compliance, Legal ( function conflict of interest), and your board has voted the vice president as a committee member on the finance, ARC, and Water Amenities. So who is holding the board's feet to the fire of insisting that they follow the governing documents? We don't have a legitimate audit at the end of the year. Why? Much of our day to day accounting is performed by our office staff person (nothing against her - just function), UNDER THE GUIDANCE (???) OF BOARD MEMBERS, and the books closed at the end of the month by a CPA, who the board hires to do the audit each year? We've been under this incestuous, illegal - against our governing documents, for 7-9 years with most of these board members. It so stands out here with this expenditure of $7,950!
One more quote from the governing documents relating to expenditures of over $5,000:
"Expenditures in excess of $5,000 are considered major expenditures and may only be made after Board approval. These expenditures require a scope of work to be prepared prior to being submitted to the Board. The scope of work will specify: a) why the work is to be done; b) exactly what is to be accomplished by the expenditure; and c) the measurable results from the work. (Rev. 6/16/15)" The motion and vote for the $7,950 is recorded in the March 21, 2017 minutes. They indicate that ALL nine board members were present. Once again, they are all complicit in ignoring the governing documents. How did they vote to spend the $7,950? How could they have met the requirement to have a statement of work prepared PRIOR to the meeting, when in reviewing the file - there was no request for proposal, no contract, and the bids were received two months apart, and appeared to be for two different jobs - this one on private canal lots? What's to worry with this board? No audit committee, no questions from each and every board member, and if they are questioned by anyone - the board's vice president, compliance, legal/chair - multi committee member - will verbally abuse the questioner from the board table, ignore written requests, and they will all sit back and watch with no intervention!