Well Madeline,
With great anticipation the Wedgefield "Rag" arrived today, July 7th just in time to remind me that The Fourth of July Concert will be held at the Kaminski House Museum. Thanks for that breaking news.
I can't begin to express how much of a waste of time, effort, and money this newsletter is. It's an embarrassment to our community.
Let's start with the front page, the Secretary's Report. It states there are 3 vacancies for the board and residents in good standing who are interested in running should go to the WPA website to download the "Nominee resume's." The deadline for submission is August 15th. By law submissions are due by August 1st. I didn't find this information on the website. It doesn't mean it's not buried somewhere. But to save time it's best you go to the office and pick up the paperwork because if you wait for the board to post any easily accessible information on the website, you just may miss the deadline. (Perhaps that's the plan).
Grounds Report:
Mr. McMillan states that "Since the golf course had been closed for nearly a year, it's appearance had deteriorated rapidly. A lot of talking and complaining about its' condition occurred, but nothing was being done." (Especially by our board). He goes on to talk about the ad-hoc committee that was formed to address this issue. Mr. McMillan, let's not disregard the group of residents who have been mowing several fairways since last fall, doing something, and not complaining. Your statement does nothing but minimize their efforts, time, and generosity to this community. This is nothing but selective reporting and disrespect. (Not to overlook Butch's efforts; thank you also).
Roads Committee Report. Adam gives an update on the new signage situation. It's best to spell this one out for all to understand. He has actually been working on this issue for 8 months. Waste of our time. Waste of a board seat. How long do we have to wait for a simple stop sign? Probably for as long as it takes a sign to rust.
Here's Adam's trail of procrastination:
December 2016 Meeting Minutes:
Roads: "Working on a plan to replace all the signage in Wedgefield. Adam is looking for volunteers to his committee."
(Note: whatever happened to that committee?)
January 2017 Meeting Minutes:
Roads : Adam Anderson - working on sign project for entire plantation. He will proceed with the getting bids.
February 2017 Meeting Minutes:
Roads : Adam Anderson sent out bid requests on sign making and the deadline for bid submission is March 1.
March 2017 Meeting Minutes:
Roads: Bid packets for sign replacements project went out and the deadline is March 31st.
April 2017 Meeting Minutes:
Roads: We sent out bid packets to 5 sign companies and received one bid for replacing all of the signs throughout the Plantation – only one bid was received. Adam opened the bid and it was for approximately $11,000. He is going to rethink this project
May 2017 Meeting Minutes:
Roads: After the lack of bids on the signs, I am looking into alternatives. I have researched on the web and am looking into someone local to make the signs. I am looking at about $4,000 +/- for the signs and then looking for someone to install.
June 2017 Meeting Minutes:
Roads: Adam was not present at the meeting, but submitted a progress report on the signage which was read. It was read and stated that Adam is still working on the sign replacement and hopes to resolve this by July.
....and 8 months later in the July Wragg, Adam reports, "We are still trying to come up with an alternative for the sign replacement project after the bids were so high. We are looking at buying pre-made signs and having a local contractor install them."
Does anyone else besides me suspect that Adam isn't really doing his job? And if this is his best effort, we deserve better.
Community Liaison Report:
"If you have a question or comment, please put it in writing and send it to the office. I will get you an answer as soon as possible."
Adam Anderson
Adam put a lot of effort into this report as it's rubber stamped from one Wragg publication to the next. And sadly, many of us know that you don't "get an answer as soon as possible." Odds are Adam is too busy working on that signage thingy to get back to you at all.
On to the Welcome Committee as we wait for Inge to find her rubber stamp. Her report is and I repeat: "Wedgefield Plantation welcomes all new residents. If you have not heard from us, we apologize and ask that you please contact us through the Office and we will be more than happy to welcome you in person."
Inge Ebert
Welcome to Wedgefield. If you want a plastic bag filled with brochures and an outdated resident directory, then call and schedule your Welcome meeting. They will tell you all about the "Community Services" Wedgefield has to offer, (well....back in the day). Then there's the Mens and Womens Golf Association that only exists on the HOA website ... or perhaps you want to join The Boat Club or the Women of Wedgefield to gorge on food and guzzle libations. Is that all there is?
Absent from this issue of the Wragg is an update from our President and Vice President of the Board.
It's time to move Wedgefield forward and offer residents more than an occasional $525.00 cold patch to fill the pothole in front of their house. It's time to vote this board out one by one. We deserve more than minimal amount of effort, minimal services, and minimal respect. The latest issue of the Wragg is a good example of the minimal the board gives us. Let's maximize this community. Step up and contemplate running for the board.
And please, if the Wragg is too much of an effort for whoever writes it, reach out to the community for input and help.... or hand it over to someone who would enjoy putting it together. It could be so much better, so much more useful, and so much more informative.