Do you have information, or an opinion - agree, or not, you can email The Wedgefield Examiner at wedgefieldexaminerthe@yahoo.com. We'll remove your name to protect the innocent, and publish it. P.S. If you would like your name published, please note that on your email, otherwise we leave your name out.
"Let's start a petition to rename Wedgefield. I think it should be called "Peyton Place." We have all the twisted story lines for a long running soap opera; sophomoric cliques, gossip, lies, "board"games, lawsuits, and the demonizing of residents who have the gall to speak up against questionable practices and bullying. BUT best of all, we have a male board member claiming he was in the office closet with another male board member when they by chance overheard a cover-up plot involving then board President Wilson. Who makes this up? Perhaps during the next board meeting Larry McMillan can explain what duties require two grown adults to stand in a closet and eavesdrop? Sound sarcastic? Well, Larry's tales are fair game to anyone whose had enough of the nonsense. Let's face it, any sane person has to laugh at what goes on with this board because the realization that you bought into this mess of a poorly directed soap opera is just too depressing.
The entrance flower beds will get planted, the weeds will be pulled, and the pine straw will go down no matter who wins the November board election. Wedgefield can get better....... ON ELECTION DAY!!!"