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Two board members surfaced for a moment in time, a long time, to represent in the moment, the residents of Wedgefield.
Board member Ebert should be thanked for voting 'NO", to board member McMillin's ridiculous motion to waste our assessment funds by charging all of the membership $2,500 to redesign the parking lot outside our office, for the convenience of parking his big truck. Thank you board member, Inge Ebert, for your "NO" vote. It should be noted that she was the only board member brave enough to cast a "NO" vote.
The condo lot owners owe board member Ebert a second thank you. Board member McMillin had motioned to approve payment of $1,700 to the contract landscaping crew to trim up trees "throughout the association". Ebert asked if in covering the whole association, if he had trimmed the trees in the condo area roadways. He responded, "the condo area????". She named two roads that were the responsibility of the WPA in the condo area. No, he responded, he hadn't. and now it was going to cost more! She stuck with it, and he agreed to take care of it. Every area in the association, on projects like this, should be considered, and not ignored. Wedgefield residents, especially condo area residents, you were well represented by board member Inge Ebert. A second thank you to board member Ebert.
The second board member who deserves a big thank you, and that is board member Anderson. He reported again about speed bumps, and made a motion to the board that a opinion question regarding speed bumps should be sent out with the annual meeting ballot for an "opinion" count, not a vote. Thank you board member Anderson, for asking for our opinion in a cost saving effective manner. We do understand that that doesn't equate to a vote to approve, but you openly, and honestly sought our opinion, and that matters. Thank you board member Anderson.