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Friday, November 18, 2011

TWO LETTERS - (1) Wijthoff Receives A Response To His Mailing, (2) Another Resident Responds, (3) What Do You Think?

The following letter was sent to Wijthoff via US mail, in response to a mailing he sent that arrived at homes throughout Wedgefield on November 14th.  His document can be viewed at this site, "A Resident's Letter Regarding The Election".    

The name of the author of this letter has been removed at Wijthoff's request.  It is written by a long term female resident, who is elderly, and sold real estate here in Wedgefield.  She is an active Concerned Citizen.  The salutation and introductory statement indicate that it was sent to more than Wijthoff.

My Dear Neighbors,

This is in answer to Taco Wijthoff regarding the election November 19 and the candidates.
  1. Ron had just undergone triple by-pass, and resigned on the advice of his doctor.
  2. Carol would have been left on the Board whose main agenda was to get the canals dredged at the exspense of the entireWPA.  There is no way one vote could have prevented it.
  3. As for the cost to put pipes under the road, you may have found someone  to do it for less, but probably not any better.  Most Management companies use the same contractors all of the time, and charge $200.00 each for additional estimates.  Wow, there is an additional $400.00 charge to obtain three estimates.
  4. No doubt a shanty woul have cost less for an office, however, an architect was employed in the interest of esthetics who also handled procuring bids and all of the follow up. The canal group must have liked it as they commissioned an artist to paint a large mural for $800.00.
  5. Carol, Fred and George started the law suit because the new board twisted our Covenants and Restrictions and By-laws, falsified the permit for dredging, and ignored all other warnings, including legal opinions, that they were proceeding illegally.
  6. Who contacted the newspapers first?  As I recall the concerned citizens did so in rebutal to the first article.
  7. George hauled off and slugged someone who was posing a threat to his wife who still was not steady on her feet after hip repacement.  You are forgetting that this same man pushed an elderly, frail man down his steps and just left him there without determining how badly he was hurt.  He did, however, take the time to call the Sheriff in order to save his own hide.  That was fast thinking.  Maybe an inborn trait? 
  8. The Concerned Citizens want the legal issues resolved, not swept under the carpet. 
Please vote for Ron, Fred, Jackie, George and Carol.  They never lied, deceived, the members, nor twisted the rules to suit their own personal agendas.  They governed in the interest of the community.


P.S.  I heard that you told Johnny Huggins you hoped his cancer would return.  How loving is that? Would you feel the same if it were your wife?


The following response was received at this site in response to the letter above. 

My Dear _________,

You certainly have been brainwashed by the cc. They have made you forget your time here as a real estate agent selling property along the canals with the promise that the permit to dredge was in hand and the dredging would begin immediately.  In fact, you even told some present day residents that the canals were our greatest amenity.  This memory loss could perhaps explain some of your remarks.

  1. Ron had triple by-pass six months before the annual meeting.  He chose to stay on the Board but not to attend meetings.  Has he checked with his doctor to make sure he is able to attend to his duties as a Board member, or will he quit again?  I understand from Jude Davis that he sent her a very nasty letter saying he wouldn't work with her - although he resigned before the election results were announced. I am sure she has kept a copy that she would be glad to show you.
  2. Three of your cronies quit on election day.  Carol had ample opportunity, and was totally involved, in appointing their replacements.  She quit, along with two others, with-in four weeks of the annual meeting.  At no time then, or subsequently, were the canal property owners or family members the majority of the Board.
  3. Where did you get your information about management companies charging for multiple bids?  As for expensive pipes, how do you justify awarding an unlicensed contractor a contract for $50,000 to put a pipe under a road?  This same contractor earned in excess of $800,000 from the WPA over a nine year period.
  4. The WPA Board spent about $12,000 on architctural services for an office that the community had overwhelmingly voted down.  Carol and Ron were on the board that voted to build the office at an executive session--a big no no. They awarded site development contracts, engineering work, and architectural services without seeking competitive bids.  They hired a residential builder to build a commercial building without providing oversight.  Ask to look at the check register and you will find that the builder was paid in his name not a company name.  The WPA Board authorized the mural, not the canal people.
  5. Yu accuse the new board of falsifying the permit for dredging yet provide no proof.  Be careful when you make such accustions.  The permit application for dredging was made many years ago with the permission of the then board.  The 2009 Board followed the opinions of the attorney-of-record as required by our documents.  They did not opinion shop and change attorneys or deliberately not follow the attorney-of-record's advice.  All attorney opinions were in writing and available for review.  Can the same be said today?
  6. The cc's contacted the local papers at every opportunity including inviting them to Board meetings.  Board meetings are for members only!!!!
  7. The person George Wilson slugged was leaving the building and no where near his wife.  The police reports for the incident you refer to are available at the office.  The frail gentleman you refer to broke into a home by opening a door and stepping inside.  He coudl not have been pushed to the ground because that would have involved several left turns and three landings.  In fact, this frail gentleman had already made a few incoherent phone calls before the police arrived.
  8. The cc's had the opportunity to resolve the canal issue on October 3.  They refused after putting the community through hell for two years.
Just what have your candidates accomplished in their year(s) on the Board?  The Board has been charged to enhance and protect property values as well as make decisions for the good of the community.  By simple mathematics the cc's have never been the majority of this community.  Jacky Walton's 318 votes in the 2010 election represents a clear majority, your friends on the Board removed him as president.

Your PS is cruel and deserves no answer.


DO YOU HAVE COMMENTS?     You can send them to      I'll be happy to share them.