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Saturday, March 3, 2012


We have a lot going on in our community.

  The Board is going to hold ANOTHER CLOSED EXECUTIVE MEETING ON MONDAY EVENING.  FOUR, (YES (4))  Board Members pledged in their platform letter to us, that they would open all of these meetings.  This is the  fourth closed executive meeting since they took office. Why?  What is it that they don't want us to see and hear?  We'll see.

During the February Board Meeting, Board Member McBride continued to ask legitimate questions and requested that a copy of his legal report be attached to the December minutes before they were approved.  Again, your Board ignored, humored him, promised they would explain things to him after the meeting, and in general, treated him like a child through out the meeting.  We'll get a copy of the report.  In the mean time ask yourself why your Board Members would treat an intelligent, educated, experienced Board Member this way?  McBride's questions are current to the issues at hand and appear to be directed to our benefit in regard to open meetings, documentation, and your Board operating openly, and treating the residents as though they had a  functioning brain and could handle the details of our community governance.  I respect McBride.  The Board should remember that WE  elected him for a THREE YEAR TERM because of those qualities!  Where are some of these Board Members backbones?  Why aren't they keeping their pledges?

We've had a report on resident Morabit's talk at the February meeting.  He was only able to deliver a portion of the his talk when time was called.  He stated that he would leave a copy of his entire presentation with the office.  I transcribed the first part for you in another article.  I've written the Board and requested a copy.  I want to know what else Morabit was going to say.  The Board has said I can have a copy.  Wouldn't you like to know how he justifies recommending that the Board sue the Bell Legal Firm and the bank for the 2010 dredging?

Stay tuned, next week.