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Thursday, May 17, 2012


NOTE:  I encourage you to go to the Wedgefield Times and listen to the tape of the meeting.  This section is located under the ARC Report.

The battle over ARC violations, with a resident the Board has termed Curb Man has been waged for about a year.  A fence that was too high and a curb that abuts the road across the lot frontage were the items in violation.  If I recall the history, Walton & Huggins went to the property and explained the violations while the work was in process.  The owner said some unrepeatable things and continued.  Finally, on May 8th the case was heard in magistrates court.  The owner must lower the fence, remove the curb, and pay a reduced fine.  The to be completed by date is not in place yet.  The judge has ruled and the detail will follow in the signed order.

A few questions remain, not about the court settlement, but the Board and ARC.

In regard to the Board, confidentiality again surfaces.  As of May 8th, possibly shortly before, the owners, name, address, etc. become public record because of the court.  Prior to that, and after the confidentiality agreement vote, this resident's name and address were published in the Wragg. The resident was discussed in Board Meetings and was named.  The fact that the owner was in arrears and his/her fines were brought out.  Where was confidentiality?

Second, will ARC go after all the ARC violations in this community?  Many are long standing.  A few weeks ago, after returning from an outing, a friend said let's take a ride.  We traveled down what I believe was almost every road in the plantation.  You take a ride and see if all meets standard.  When, and who will see that all violations are remedied?

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