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Friday, May 18, 2012


Under Old Business, the Board prepared to vote on several changes to the newly approved Policy Manual.  At the 2011 Annual Meeting, the majority of residents voting passed the following By-Law regarding changes to the Policy Manual:  "A motion to change the Policy Manual must be presented at an open Board meeting, posted on the WPA website for resident comments, and NOT voted on until the following Board meeting."

FIRST A LITTLE RECENT HISTORY:  During the April Meeting a list of changes to the Policy Manual to be voted on at the May Board Meeting were passed out to Board Members, and mention was made that this would be first reading.  No one read the list of changes, or even provided a copy of the document to the audience.

Between the April and May Board Meetings I checked the official WPA website several times to see the list of changes to be voted on.  I did not find them anywhere on the site.  If I missed them during that time period and you have found them, please advise me.  I don't believe I missed them.  I don't believe they were published, as required.

THE MAY 15TH MEETING:  I encourage you to go to The Wedgefield Times and listen to this portion of the meeting tape.  I am writing what I saw and heard. You'll find this information under Old Business on the tape.

I'm not going to spend a lot of time going over each of the items voted on, tabled, or sent to the attorney for review.  All of those actions did occur during this section of the meeting.  My notes indicate at least eight proposed revisions.  I find it difficult to use the word  proposed.  Why?  The first change up for vote admittedly appeared to be necessary and minor.  It seems that in the section of the manual relating to the use of the office building that a $75.00 fee was inadvertantly added. What was more than interesting is that as the Board Members began to review their Policy Manuals, they had been changed.  What was to be proposed and voted on was already changed in their documents!

If you are saying to yourself, "no big deal on this item."  I tell you that was the case on 2-3 more items to be voted on.  It makes the process look like a sham!

As I advised, listen to the tape for yourself.

THOUGHTS ON THE LARGER PICTURE:  Most important, overall, your Board ignored the By-Law change that you and I voted in legitimately and legally.  First, they handed information to the Board in April.  There was no real first reading in April.  Second, they didn't post the list of potential changes on the official website.  If you found it, can prove it was posted during the required time - not after this article, I will apologize in a letter to the Board and publish it on the blog.  Third, they made some of the proposed changes in the Policy Manual prior to second reading and vote.

To use a term that Garrison used against McBride during the May Meeting, I ask where was due diligence?

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