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Friday, May 11, 2012


That's right, there is a WPA Board Meeting on May 15th.  If this was a newspaper in the good old days, the headline would have read, "READ IT HERE FIRST."  Again, this month we don't have an agenda posted as it should be, one week prior to the meeting.  There wasn't any notice posted at the front gate as of yesterday.  Why?

Doesn't our Board know that when they fail to follow through that it raises suspicion and questions, and removes trust.  Radio personality Bob Grant would say, "you have to walk the talk."  Is it a big deal not to have posted the agenda and placed the sign at the front gate?  Probably not any where else.  Here, it is a problem.  As residents, we have lived through at least three years of chaos.  This Board has made promises to run our association with a cohesive Board, utilizing our governing documents and policies.  That means you stick with the program.

Posting seems to be a problem for this Board.  During the April Meeting the Board had a list of changes to the newly approved Policy Manual.  Shouldn't the proposed changes be posted on the WPA website for residents to review before the Board votes?

For those of you who attended the April WPA Meeting you are aware that the new management company was to begin work on May 2nd.  In fact each resident was sent a letter by the management company. 

Let me make these qualifying statements before I say anything else.  I wanted a management company and felt that based on our history, we could only benefit by one.  I have no reason to question why the Board voted to hire this particular company.  I am aware of the work that went into investigating the various companies.

I do feel that the form letter, probably used every time this company introduces themselves to a new community, left more questions than answers.  The only real substance in the letter, was that I know how to pay my assessment.  This information will be helpful if it is included in next year's assessment mailing.  Like most of you, I have already paid my assessment.

I was left wondering exactly what they are going to do for us.  I noted that when the Board discussed them at the last meeting it appeared that they are counting on them to dig into the collection of over $170,000 of unpaid assessments.  If I understood it correctly, the management company will keep 50% of what they collect,  Additionally, they will receive a % of every vendor contract they assist the Board in procuring. Perhaps the Board would be willing to post the management company contract so we all know exactly what they are providing and how much it costs.  That would be one way for the Board and the management company to deal with us out in the open.  Then as residents we could determine whether we endorse a renewal of contract.

When I have a question, do I write the Board or the management company? That's pretty important to me because you know I have questions.  We'll see.  We won't jump to conclusions.  A management company representative will attend every Board Meeting.  You should attend the May meeting to meet their representative.  Maybe we will get more information.

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