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Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Staff Secretary Kathy sent the following to The Wedgefield Examiner.  She takes responsibility for the survey not being mailed to my household.  I like Kathy.  I interviewed and hired her.  She has been on staff since early 2009 and worked for and with numerous board members.  She has had to balance working in a hostile take over (after the recall), disappearing records, "let the residents see the records - to no they can't", charge some residents for copies - to no copies, and was in the center of the facts as to whether Wilson asked her to erase part of an official meeting tape.  In the end, when pushed by questions, Wilson admitted he had.  Not before another current board member told his committee a bold faced lie about the circumstances.  I don't trust most of this board.

We have sitting board members who have no problem jabbing at those who frequently ask questions and calling them trouble makers.  I'm viewed as one of them.  Some of them have a problem with residents who ask informed questions and refuse to take them at their word. I do attend meetings, listen to the tapes, review documents, etc.  I am an informed resident.   For those who are skeptical about my feelings, I'd ask them to go to the meeting recordings for 2009 and 2010.  Go to the correspondence file and review the same years.  The residents with constant questions, comments, and those who critized the board  then, are the ones they now call "friends" and "so helpful".

This was the canal sub committee's survey.  Did Anderson supervise the process?  Did he verify that it had been sent?  Doesn't look that way.

Again, I like Kathy, but I question her sending her explanation to the dreaded, no one reads it, Wedgefield Examiner. I question her reprimanding a resident in this manner.  I question why those on the board did not have the good judgement to first oversee the project, or answer a resident with the facts themselves. That would have been professionalism. 

Do I believe it happened the way it is stated in the letter?  I'm not sure, but either way our staff secretary is the scape goat because your board didn't have the professionalism or the guts to handle it.