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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


May 16, 2013


FROM: Madeline Y. Claveloux

RE: (1) Visit to Office to Review Records, (2) Notice of Failure to Follow

By-Laws, (3) Failure To Respond To Residents & Request for Copy of

Policy In Effect Regarding Responding To Residents

CC: The Wedgefield Examiner

I’m requesting approval to visit the office on May 21 at 11:00AM, to review the following records: Correspondence File (6 months at least), Complete By-Laws, Policy Manual, Accounting Function Job Description.

I have listened to the tapes of the March and April WPA Board Meetings. First and second readings of the Accounting Function, to be included after approval, in the Policy Manual were supposed to have taken place. There never was a reading of the document, nor was it placed on the WPA website for resident review and comment. Why, and how does it stand as a legitimate change or addition to the Policy Manual? It appears you have violated a By-Law, and have failed to publish the By Law which was passed by the residents at the 2011 Annual Meeting. Why?

I’d like to review the correspondence file to verify for myself whether you are answering resident questions at all. You don’t answer my questions, and I know of several other residents who have gone months and months, with no response from the board. I’d like to see the policy regarding answering residents, that you appear to be ignoring for many. Also, will President Walton please provide the details of the steps he has taken to organize a committee to assist in developing a new policy for answering residents. I’m sure it is in writing and I’d like to be sent a copy. If there isn’t an effort in place, I’d like to know why. When will I receive an answer regarding my questions about the movement of WPA dock number one from the landing to the canals? This is WPA property which was to be destroyed and carried out of the association. As a resident in good standing, I have a right to know why the actions taken, differ from those discussed at the board table.

Thank you.