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Sunday, September 25, 2016


Shortly after the September WPA meeting was called to order, the board progressed to approval of the minutes.  In this case, approval of the minutes from the closed September 12th board meeting.  After the motion was made to approve the minutes, a member in the audience raised his hand, and called for a point of order.  He asked that the minutes be read to the audience.  As he tried to explain why, president Walton, pounded the gavel and told him he was out of order.  Someone from the board table stated that the minutes would be posted on the WPA website.  They aren't.

I haven't discussed this with the resident, so these thoughts are mine.  The meeting on September 12th was called illegally - not properly noticed, and if you recall from a previous documented article, a board attorney of record had written president Walton in the past, and said there were very few reasons to call these closed meetings.  I thank the resident for being brave enough under the bizarre governance we have here, for making the effort to bring information to light, from this hide and seek board. 

The meeting moved to officer reports.  No report from our president, but there was a report from vice president Garrison.  He said the meeting on the 12th was two fold.  Our paid staff secretary had given notice, and they were hiring a new secretary.  He went on to say that the lender for the golf course had been making inquiries about a management group to run the golf course.  Additionally he said that a local person involved with golf courses for over 20 years, and a possible potential buyer had asked to meet with the board strictly for an information exchange.  He would like to make a presentation to the residents.  The meeting will take place on October 11, 7:00PM, at the First Baptist Church.  

First, there wasn't any reason for this meeting to be closed.  Our governing documents should guide - open, or closed.  We have a right to know who the board is recommending hiring, rate of pay, duties, etc.  Second the potential buyer doesn't get to decide if it is an open, or closed meeting.  Let's for grins say that the board felt that that was the only way - closed meeting, that the potential buyer would meet with them.  Then in the least, the board should have posted the meeting, who called it, and the reason for it being called.  Too picky for you?  It shouldn't be, secrecy - outside of the governing documents on huge issues, is standard operating procedure for this board.  

A motion was made, and passed, to spend up to $150 to get the notices out to the residents about the meeting at First Baptist Church on Oct 11.