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Friday, September 2, 2016


If you have a comment regarding the following article, whether you agree, or not, or if you'd like to share a letter to the board, The Wedgefield Examiner will remove any identifying information, and share it on the blog.  Email:

If you are a regular reader of The Wedgefield Examiner, you will often read the phrase "sanitized minutes".  That's what I see as I sit in board meetings, listen to tapes of the meetings, and transcribe the tapes to provide the board's direct words in the moment, from the board table.  As I have reported many times, when I go to the minutes, key points aren't there. 

Today, rainy day that it is, I devoted a lot of time to doing research for another article - not this one.  I came across something that surprised me, because it shouldn't have existed on the WPA new website.  What was it?  I was following the minutes available on the WPA website trying to get some facts in consecutive order.  When I got to November 2015, always a annual meeting month, there were minutes from the 2015 annual meeting.  Why the surprise?  In all cases, we do not get to see minutes until they are approved by the board.  So if you attended the August 2016 regular monthly WPA board meeting, minutes of that meeting won't be posted for your viewing until they are approved at the September 2016 meeting.  In regard to annual meetings, when you attend this year's 2016 annual meeting, you won't see the minutes until after the 2017 annual meeting, when they will be approved, and posted.

So today, when I saw the 2015 annual meeting minutes, I was surprised because they won't be approved until we attend our next annual meeting in November 2016.  I'm not even going to question what the board is doing.  Since they were presented for all to see, unapproved or not, on the office WPA website, I copied them, and read them. 

The annual meeting is the one board meeting that you can raise your hand during the meeting, identify yourself, and ask questions, and expect answers, unless you are dealing with this board.  I remember the 2015 annual meeting well, because I had some questions for legal/compliance chair/vice president, Garrison.  In review of the minutes, sanitized minutes, I find that while they recorded, printed into the record pretty much all that other residents said, they included very little of what I had said, and what Garrison responded to me, and at times board member, Cline.

Here is what they reported in those published 2015 minutes about what residents said (View these minutes for yourself (unless the board takes them down after this article.) by typing wedgefield hoa into your search engine, which should allow you to select the new official WPA website, select "board business from the green bar near the top of the page, a menu drops down, select annual meeting 2015).
"Resident Comments

Jill DeMarchi suggested that 843 come before each telephone number in the Directory and 1 come before the area codes for numbers out of state. She offered to help with the new directory in 2016.  Jill also had concerns about properties being maintained.

Madeline Claveloux had a concern regarding a past legal settlement and a complaint about the maintaining of vacant Lots. 

James Hughes thanked the Secretary Janine Cline for the great job on the Road Cleaning.  He asked that each resident while out if they would help clean up Wedgefield.  He also offered to help the Welcome Committee. 
He asked three questions about the budget.
1.     Electrical - Al DeMarchi explained the areas covered. That included the office, street lights and parking areas.

2.     Annual Meeting budget – Janine Cline explained the budget of $2200.  The actually moneys spent was approx. $1650.  This includes over $800 in postage, printing, Church rental $200, paper, cartilages and refreshments.  The remainder of the budget is returned to the reserve account.
3.     Building & Structure Repair/Improvement budget.  Al DeMarchi explained it’s for the Marina and the Entrance Gatehouse.  

One resident stated he had sand for luminaries available at the condos and the other asked if anything could be done for speeders on Live Oak Lane.  The board replied by saying just to call the sheriff."

Notice the detail to the other resident comments.  I'm not any where near one of their favorite people, however, I am a member in good standing, and they did nothing to outline my questions, and their responses.  SURPRISED????? Not me!  The best I can do in the moment, is to print what I reported immediately following the meeting.  Note, I will listen to the recording of the meeting, transcribe every word - mine, and theirs, and add another section, PART II, to this report - within the week.

There are two articles posted on the blog regarding the 2015 Annual Meeting.  The first was published on November 21, 2015 (The very day that the meeting was held.), titled "The Annual Meeting, Part I" 

"* The Secretary of the WPA Board attempted to silence a member in good standing - me, during the meeting.  Our WPA President. and at least two other board members, reminded the membership more than once, that this is the one meeting a year, that members have the opportunity to speak throughout the meeting.  I, all the others present, and your board sat quietly while the spouse of our WPA Treasurer, spoke on several items, as is her right as a member in good standing.  I raised my hand, waited to be acknowledged, as is appropriate, and spoke on 3 items.  One of the items was the conflicting legal orders signed by Beverly (See article titled, "No Real Title For This, Let's Just Call It Injustice, At The Hands of The WPA Board", published on this blog on November 5th.  I won't go into the discussion at this point, but part way through my questions, and response to answers from our Legal Chair, our Board Secretary said, "THIS IS A WASTE OF OUR TIME".  I reminded her that I had a right to speak.  The P.S. to this is that our Board Secretary had plenty of time to listen to our Board Treasurer's spouse.  Please note, NOTHING AGAINST THE BOARD TREASURER'S SPOUSE SPEAKING, ON MY PART."

The second article on the blog relating to what I said was published the day after the 2015 Annual Meeting.  It was published on November 22, 2015, titled "PART II - WPA 2015 Annual Meeting.  The Mystery Deepens On The Beverly Documents & The Rulings???? On The Litigation Regarding The Canal Assessments"

Here is the quote from that article:
"During the annual meeting, I asked why we had to go, almost a year and a half later, and get a second ruling, from the SAME referee (both sides of the litigation have to pay the referee), when we had won?  At one point in my questioning, our Legal Chair, said something about not wanting to talk about it.  I said, we had a right to know.  It was explained that Hal L. Beverly, had NEVER SIGNED the document."  

I will add Part II to today's article within the week, after I have listened to the tape, and transcribed every word I said, and the board said.  You can wonder why they left my words out, but I'll tell you today that it just continues to be a case of sanitized minutes, failure to report, because it goes against legal/compliance chair/vice president, Garrison's real agenda.  President Walton, and your entire board are to blame as well, because they let him.  It is not so much that they failed to do justice to my stated issues, and comments at the meeting, it is probably due to the subject of my questions- canals, and the Beverly documents.

Stay tuned.