Your latest article hit the nail on the head. We, this community, will never have peace and harmony until these concerned crazies stop threatening lawsuits. They have yet to deal with the suit against them by members of the reviled 2009 board. The defendants in this suit are using every delaying tactic known to man in the hopes that the plaintiffs will drop it. I have three words for them—NOT A CHANCE!
What continues to amaze me is that these individuals threatening lawsuits are surprised when someone fights back. Vince has already admitted in writing that they expect that Bell will pay them off to avoid embarrassment. I believe that it would be in Tom Winslow’s best interest to fight any charge of malpractice and do not believe that Ed Bell is easily intimidated. Have these people met either man?
I understand that this latest solicitation for money is being led by two women. One is the infamous CZ. This is the CZ who led the charge against the 2009 board only to settle after two years of putting this community through hell without resolving the underlying issue of who is responsible for canal maintenance. This is the same CZ who ran unsuccessfully for the board in 2011. This is the same CZ who, in her deposition, said that she filed the original lawsuit on behalf of the “203 people who signed the petition” making them ALL potential defendants in the still existing countersuit. This is the same CZ who abruptly quit in 2009 and yet continues to want to micromanage the Board of Directors. Unfortunately, the existing board has at least two and possibly more, of her puppets trying to pursue the cc agenda at the expense of all of us. These gentlemen have not had an original thought in at least two years. The puppet mistress pulls the strings.
The other woman trying to solicit money is a canal lot owner. This woman, lets call her JS for short, has only paid $450.00 in annual assessments since 2010. She doesn’t like how the other $175 is being spent. I am unsure as to how she knows just how anything is spent when the rest of us do not. JS is the same canal owner who, without regard for her neighbors was the only one who called the police to complain about night time dredging. She called twice and effectively stopped the dredging after p.m.—knowing full well that this would impact the amount of fill being removed. The window to dredge extends only to the end of March. What a fine neighbor! This is the same JS who, in a letter to the board, never wants the canals dredged again. Her selfishness knows no bounds and her lack of consideration for her neighbors is evident.
Part of the brazenness exhibited by these concerned crazies may be the fault of the Board. After successfully removing me and Karl from the Board by violating our by-laws and using State law, the newly reconstituted Board failed to follow the covenants and collect on assessments due. Bob Moran, THEIR chosen lawyer, said to go ahead and collect. When others in the community tried to use the same State law that they used in the recall, and Moran said that State law took precedence over the By-laws, these crazies fired Moran and found a new attorney to say that the By-laws were in first place. This new attorney has given two differing opinions on collecting the individual assessment. Was the second opinion after CZ visited him and explained the '”legal situation according to C?” The present Board received a threatening e-mail from Dr. RP, and did nothing. In fact, one Board member may have resigned over this threat.
This Board is not collecting the individual assessments in any conventional way. We are owed over $100,000 in arrears,if it is uncollectable it needs to be classified as bad debt and written off. Supposedly, less than $20,000 of the arrears is from the canal lot assessment. This Board has filed in small claims court against a resident who has failed to follow ARC guidelines. Pay attention all residents who have utility or recreational trailors in your yards, who have clearly visible propane tanks, and the individuals who have put barriers up on WPA property, you may be next.
I have heard it said that this Board is a cohesive group that works well together. They certainly are good at sweeping things under the rug and shutting down anyone who challenges the status quo. We do ,however, have a new policy manual and a management firm as well as the poop signs. All that I’m asking for is nine people who think for themselves, voice an opinion, and research the facts for themselves. At some of the Board meetings, a question arises that I know the answer to but will not comment for fear, ha, of the twitter sisters. Much of the information the Board is looking for is either at the home of CZ or in the attic. So far, no one has bothered to investigate.
What a disappointment!