Dear Madeline,
I, too, am wondering about the apparent cover-up with the Legal Committee. It seems that the Board members involved at the time and Moody can’t get their stories straight. I believe that Johnny Huggins’ and Carol Zieske’s trip to see Mr. Moody put him in an unethical situation. Johnny was being sued by Carol—no matter what he was told. He, Johnny, was represented by an attorney—Mike Smith. Where was the contact with Mike Smith at this time. Carol was also a plaintiff in a lawsuit against another member of the Board—Larry McMillin. Larry has two lawyers—Smith and Gene Fulton. Any sign of these lawyers at this meeting?
Moody and Fred said that he, Fred. dropped the notebooks off. Carol account of the notebooks is different. Carol went to Moody to explain the “legal situation according to Carol, Fred, and George.” I would have loved to be a fly on that wall!!! Who gave Mr. Moody an account of the legal situation from the side of the people Carol was suing? Did anyone ask you!
These meetings were improper and maybe unethical. I am waiting for the Board to at least ‘out’ these actions. Instead, they cover-up with out and out lies. If Mr. Moody had made himself aware of the legal actions presently facing the WPA, as any attorney of record should, he knew this was not right.
It is beyond belief to me that the association dues for me, Karl, Ruth, Larry, Brenda, and you were SPENT by the Board for the person suing us to spend time with the WPA lawyer. When will someone admit that this was wrong? When will the lies stop and something be done? Don’t hold your breath!
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