There was once a commercial on TV where a little old lady asked “Where’s the beef?” Wedgefield Plantation residents should be asking “Where are the documents.” I have asked several present Board members if they have seen the historical Confidentiality Document that Al found. They indicated that they haven’t yet seen the document. Only one of the Board members has asked to see it. So far, Al has not produced any documents regarding this matter. Madeline, when I was on the Board, I reviewed almost every file. It’s where I discovered the use in 1998 of individual assessments. It’s also where I found letters from Bob Moran saying that ‘all properties in Wedgefield would benefit if the canals were dredged.’ I went into the attic and reviewed minutes from the ‘80’s and 90’s. I have an excellent ability for recall. It’s one of the reasons that I get upset when the Board authorizes payments to an attorney for an issue that has been opined on before. What a waste! I do not recall any confidentiality agreement as part of our governing documents.
When the Board fails to answer a resident concern they are ALL violating the “Code of Ethics.” By ignoring questions or refusing to allow the inspection of documents, they are not treating residents with respect. No WPA Board should be allowed to decide that some residents get answered, while others get ignored. They are violating the By-laws over and over again.
You and I both asked to see the historical Confidentiality Agreement that Al miraculously discovered in the files. I have an old policy manual and the agreement wasn’t in that manual. I have looked at the minutes available on-line and can’t find an approved agreement. What Al found may have been a suggestion, but I want to see if it has ever been approved as policy. Either there is proof of approval or the Board, the residents, and the attorney have been seriously mislead. Given the Board’s actions regarding respecting the confidentiality of members accounts, this agreement seems to only be a tool to keep independent thinkers off of committees. We only have one independent thinker, John McBride, and he gets ignored or ridiculed by the “ power that is.” His questions are legitimate, but he receives no support.
The attorney assured all residents that the liability afforded Directors by extension is given to volunteers. Did Moody contact the insurance company to guarantee this? Did he see in in the insurance policy? I,like you, have been sued as an individual for actions that I took as a Board member. The ramifications from this suit will haunt Wedgefield for years. My attorney advised against signing any document where I voluntarily agree to more liability.
I asked two Board members why we sent the management company $53,000 in May. They didn’t know. Who authorized such an amount without bringing it to the Board table? I asked the management company the same question without a response. My questions also went to the Board.
Needless to say, I have not received a response. It seems to me that someone on the Board authorized this payment and the rest of the Board was not informed. We certainly were not informed at the June meeting. Why aren’t the Board members crying foul? Did they read the financial report (such as it is)? If not, shame on them.
This total lack of respect for at least you and me violates the Board’s own Code of Ethics. Who should be answering us? We have a useless Community Liaison. It is the responsibility of the President to make sure that all committee chairs are doing their jobs. Wait, our President is also chair of the ARC. What a fiasco the curb across from you turned out to be. With Pyatt’s suspension of his ruling, how long do we wait? I have waited 18 months and counting for a decision from another judge. Meanwhile, if you drive around you will see unkempt yards, vehicles parked on empty lots, utility trailers, etc. ARC rules are only good if they are consistently applied.
It’s time for all members to get involved. Write and ask what the $53,000 was for, ask to see the documents that Al found, ask to see the management contract and the insurance policy, and demand that the Board STOP meeting in secret.