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Tuesday, January 17, 2017


There were only six or seven members in attendance during the December WPA Board Meeting.  Consider attending the WPA Board Meeting on January 16, at 7:00PM.  Wedgefield continues to hang in a very precarious situation.  

*There doesn't appear to have been a sale, and closing on the golf course.  There are rumors that interested parties would like to do some building if they were to buy.  Some residents have expressed concern for the PUD.  Will the board provide updates tonight?

*The board has illegally met with the Water Amenities Committee and promised up to $135,000 for dredging.  Last month the board surprised us, reporting that the spoil site has not been maintained, and a controlled burn was suggested.  It was reported that the canal dredging group has not built a remedy, or controlled burn into their projected budget.  The spoil site maintenance has been built into the grounds contract for several years.  When asked if the previous grounds contractor had met all the contract terms, board member McMillin answered that they had.  How can it be reported now, that the site hasn't been maintained?  What is even more mysterious, but not surprising, was that last month McMillin stated at the board table, regarding the lack of maintenance, "that everyone knew why".  Not one board member, asked what he was talking about.  Obviously, more closed meeting, illegal, and mysterious decision making by this board.  I have no trust in this board, and their illegal dredging plan.  Perhaps, if you've paid your $400, you should attend tonight's meeting, and ask your board what "everyone knew", and when, where, and why this information wasn't reported to the residents from the board table when these decisions were made.

During the December meeting, it was reported that the storm caused trees to fall into the canals blocking navigation, and they would have to be removed.   I couldn't discern from the report who would have to pay.  One would assume it is the canal lot owner, but perhaps you would like to ask this board at tonight's meeting.  Why?  You never know with this board.

If you have questions, you'll be fortunate if they are answered truthfully, and respectfully.  Last month's meeting left me with several questions, but I get tired of the board's treatment of people who ask questions respectfully, and are treated poorly by this board.  Some months, it is not worth my effort.  I still haven't had a response to my email to the board sent on December 22nd, with two simple questions. I don't count board member/community liaison, Anderson's attack letter, which failed to answer the questions.

Hope to see you at the meeting!